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Everything posted by kolja.ehlersiconplc.com

  1. I am trying to do a related thing. In my subreport the $V{PAGE_NUMBER} Variable when Evaluation time is set to "Report" it outputs the total Pages of the subreport. Is it possible to pass this Variable to the Master Report? I have tryed by doing: <returnValue subreportVariable="PAGE_NUMBER" toVariable="Pages"/> But If I output $V{Pages} in the Master it output only null. Is this not possible? Thanks Post Edited by Kolja Ehlers at 11/12/08 11:21
  2. Hi all, I really hope there is a way to fix this problem. I have already tried alot but did not find an answer. As the topic says in my reports I have alot of static texts as well as dynamic data coming from a datasource which then fills different subreports. Like this: Static text Static text Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... All this is in the details band. Of course at some point of a time the page is full already with the static text, but since my report is not finished I need to place more static text on it. For this I have tryed 2 solutions: -I added a new group to the report and continued doing: Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... on the groupFooter -I inserted a subreport and in there I did: Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... I also tryed a subreport in a groupFooter on Page1. All this did not help my problem. If the PDF output at some point of time reaches a page end with static text and NOT a subreport with a datasource the static text is merged to the next page as a block. Like this: data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource ....(almost the end of the page) <free space> ---page break--- static text static text .... But I want as much of the Static text to be on the other page and then be broken. Like this: data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource ....(almost the end of the page) static text static text ---page break--- static text static text .... I have also attached two screenshots to illustrate the prolbem some more. I really hope there is a fix for this. Thanks
  3. I just realized this also happens sometimes if data from a data source is filled to the report. Please look at the screenshot Post Edited by Kolja Ehlers at 11/11/08 10:20 Post Edited by Kolja Ehlers at 11/11/08 10:21
  4. Hi all, I really hope there is a way to fix this problem. I have already tried alot but did not find an answer. As the topic says in my reports I have alot of static texts as well as dynamic data coming from a datasource which then fills different subreports. Like this: Static text Static text Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... All this is in the details band. Of course at some point of a time the page is full already with the static text, but since my report is not finished I need to place more static text on it. For this I have tryed 2 solutions: -I added a new group to the report and continued doing: Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... on the groupFooter -I inserted a subreport and in there I did: Static text Static text Subreport which is filled by a JRMapCollectionDataSource .... I also tryed a subreport in a groupFooter on Page1. All this did not help my problem. If the PDF output at some point of time reaches a page end with static text and NOT a subreport with a datasource the static text is merged to the next page as a block. Like this: data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource ....(almost the end of the page) <free space> ---page break--- static text static text .... But I want as much of the Static text to be on the other page and then be broken. Like this: data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource data from Subreport with JRDataSource ....(almost the end of the page) static text static text ---page break--- static text static text .... I have also attached two screenshots to illustrate the prolbem some more. I really hope there is a fix for this. Thanks!
  5. I was wondering the same thing. Also I still cant find the following two functionalities: "Compile" button "Report Import Directives" button Thanks
  6. also I cannot find a button to turn snapping on or off
  7. I was not sure where to post this. I have been using iReport 3.0 classic. Now I have looked at the newest iReport3.1.1nb release but I am missing some functionalities. Could you help me to find: "Compile" button "Report Import Directives" button Thx
  8. Thanks Matt for trying to help, but you got me wrong. In my case the custom font DOES show up exactly like I want it in the PDF and in HTML output. But iReport only shows funny squares rather than the actual font. I have attached 2 screenshots to illustrate the problem. Thanks
  9. Yes, that would work. But in my case the "Wingdings" font does show up in my pdf report, so it almost okay for me. This is a display error in iReport i thought there is an easy way to fix this. Thanks anyway
  10. I am trying to do the same thing. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks
  11. I have made some screenshots to illustrate my problem. On page1 the top margin looks good. But on the subreports (e.g. page5) the top margin is thicker than on page1, why is that? I also added a screenshot of what it looks like in iReport
  12. you should be able to do this w/o JI. Just create a servlet with your needs (dropdown) and pass the get/post data to you repost via parameters
  13. Hello there, I think the reports I am trying to generate are pretty unusual but still I almost completely got it working. To explain: I am using a bean as data source but I only am using just a single instance of the bean not an array or a collection of beans. I access the beans methods my referring to the current bean using a _THIS file and calling: $F{myBean}.receive("Key") that way I am placing the information gathered by the beans methods all over the report. The problem is that at some point the first pace is full and JR will not generate a new page since is does not know that the page is full. Again to make clear JR is not iterating data so the pagination will not work. And I canot just open up a next page in iReport or can I?? So I am working with a new subreport for each new Page. Subreport Page2 Subreport Page3 Subreport Page4 each with an individual data source but that does not play a role here. Now my problem is that I am not sure where to place the subreports. If I place them in the details band I have some space at the top added to the subreport. I guess this comes from the detail band until it reaches the subreport. I already have set all margins on the subreports to 0 but it did not help with the space at the top to be erased. So where do I place the subreports so the report will display each subreport on a single page just like the jrxml file was shown in iReport (w/o any added space to any side of it) I hope you see my problem Thanks
  14. Great, thanks amod g I had en error there, my function returned an object and the value was linked to a String field, so its all working perfeclty now. Thanks again
  15. Is the right way to do it to create a Connection instance and add it to a Hashmap and pass it to the master report which then passes it further to the subreport? Map<String, Connection> parameters = new HashMap<String, Connection>(); parameters.put("DBConnection",getConnection(passwd)); JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportStream, out, parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(BeanRecordFactory.generateCollection())); Like this?
  16. I keep on reading that JasperReports allow multiple datasources. But I still cannot see how this could be possible. I am using runReportToPdfStream() and it allows only EITHER a connection or a JRDataSource so how can I use Beans in my Master report and a Connection in my Subreport or the other way around? I have looked at the subreport sample and all Master and Subreports in that case use a connection so that is not helping.
  17. I have solved this problem now by using a _THIS reference to my javabean. Now I can call any function in that bean with any kind of parameter. This is how I am referencing it: ""+((myBean)$F{_THIS}).getValue("mykey") I am not sure why iReport needs <""+> in the very front, but without it does not work. _THIS is from type object. Does objects need ""+ maybe I dont know? thanks
  18. Hello, I think this problem has been discussed in this forum but I still cannot seem to find a solution for it. In my master report I have a JavaBean as datasource. So if I compile it in ireport using the Bean datasource everything works out. In my subreport I want to use a jdbc oracle connection. I read to pass the connection to the subreport using $P{REPORT_CONNECTION}: <subreport isUsingCache="true"> <reportElement x="27" y="46" width="493" height="9" key="subreport-1"/> <connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "SubBericht.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport> But it is not working and is it not obvious that it wont work? I mean the master reports can only start with one datasource and it is the bean so how can it pass a connection to the subreport if it does not itself have a connection present? Thanks
  19. Again I got a little bit futher but still problems remain. I am using JavaBeans as a datasource now. If I have a field called "test123" in my report the function getfield123() is called. This is half way to what I need. Like I explained before I need to call the function getValue(par1, par2) so is there any chance I can pass parameters to the get method? Thanks
  20. I am sorry for all the spamming but I am really having trouble to explain my problem. I would like to try it again. I want to use my Java Object “Record” as a datasource. But Record again is tied to an oracle database so there is nothing like structured data in this object. All samples and demos I have looked at access the Objects attributes itself for the data like in here: public class CustomBean{ private String city = null; private Integer id = null; private String name = null; private String street = null; … In the report city and name and street is used as a data source but in my case the Object itself does not hold the data. It again gathers the data from the oracle database through various functions like: getAttribute(par1,para2…) and getValue(par1,para2…). I really hope this clarifies the problem. I need to actually dummy call these functions getAttribute(String attr_id) from iReport and then the fillReport process actually calls the “Record” Object functions to place in the real data. Has this been done before or is there any chance I can do this using JasperReports? Thanks
  21. I looked at scriptlets and I dont think this is what I need. I need to access my java obect "RECORD" in the reports. I guess the easiest way is to use "RECORD.getValue(par1, par2, par3..);" in ireport just like I do in my java app. But is this possible and how do I instantiate the object RECORD. I am clueless on where to search for a solution. I guess I have to look for a custom datasource but I cant find anything. Please help Thanks
  22. sorry if I was not making myself clear. Let me try again: I want to integrate reporting in our java application. Some of the report data will come from java functions (getAttribute(), getValue(), ...) which are not accessible in iReport when writing the report. When finally triggering to export the report in our java application, the report can access these functions. So I would like to know how I handle these functions in iReport. In other words: what do I tell the person who writes the reports to place where he normally calls the function getAttribute(String attr_id) to retrieve data. Maybe scriptlets are what I need? Thanks again
  23. meanwhile I have looked at some of the sample scripts and found out that in the webapp demo a function hello() is called from the jrxml file: ((scriptlets.WebappScriptlet)$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).hello() If this works for me the writer of the report could write out the functions getAttribute() and getValue()... in iReport and place them at the appropriate position and during reportfill those functions get actually called. Am I understanding this correctly? Thanks
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