I'm trying to make a report that has the following Bands : Title, Page Header, Detail 1, Page Footer and Last Page Footer. The Title band, and the Page Header bands are almost alike, but they display depending on what page is the report on.The Title is only displayed in front page of report, or in my case 1/3 of the first page. Page Header is only printed in the next pages starting on number 2. For that i use the following.... $V{PAGE_NUMBER} > 1 on the Print When Expression property of this band. By the way, the editor for this option underscores the '1' in the expression, so I think its an error I may correct, isn´t it? When I preview the report it appears ok, but just before PageFooter and Last Page Footer (in the second page) there´s a blank space that I want to get rid of.... Does anybody knows what causes this behaviour? Is it related with the $V{PAGE_NUMBER} > 1 I'm putting in the condition??? I'm attaching a pdf file, the error is on the second page.... Thanks for any kind of help. Best regards Post Edited by sick35 at 17/05/2010 15:38 Post Edited by sick35 at 17/05/2010 15:42