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Posts posted by victorg

  1.  Hi

    I was trying to write, without luck, a particular String alphabetic sorting algorithm in Java.

    Not everybody interprets alphanumeric sorting same way, specially when dealing with non-english characters.

    I found that iReport, in a particular scenario, does sorting exactly the way I was looking for and I would be very grateful to know how did you achieve this.

    the scenario is, from iReport Report Query dialog:

    • XPath query
    • source XML
    • field type: java.lang.String
    • sort by field, ascending

    who exactly is performing this sorting? the xpath engine? is implemented in JasperReports engine code in java?

    can I do it in Java?



    Post Edited by victorg at 03/22/2012 15:38
  2. Hi,

    I finally solved my question ´Large Reports made of Complex Data´ (http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=77179) with the following nice approach, but there is a strange problem that is driving me crazy.

    Please Help is appreciated!!


    The idea is simple:

    The MAIN Report is a SQL-based report against a DB connection, but the DETAIL section is made of a SubReport based on XML datasource.


    1. The main report performs the SQL query. I only get a simple field:

    "SELECT recordId FROM myTable"


    2. Then, in the Detail section, there is a XML-based SubReport whose Datasource Expression is something like:

    "MyUtilityClass.getXMLReportDataSource( $F{recordId} )"


    that is, given a record Id, my utility class searches for all data necessary, applies data logic and formatting and creates a XML document with all the data ready for presentation, for each record. It then returns a JRXmlDataSource instance that is passed to the subreport.


    All is nice and happy, but there is a PROBLEM:

    in the subreport feeded by the JRXmlDataSource, I can not get access to any field of the data source, If I define a field, I don´t get anything, never, I always get NULL !!!   the subreport query text is correct and the fields are perfectly defined.

    But surprisingly, I can sucessfully feed other subreports at this point, passing datasources with the corresponding xPath. expression.


    I have a lot of experience with Jasper reports and subreports based on XML data sources and I have a lot of then, so forget basic answers. Please, have a look, it may be a defect there.


    thank you


  3. lingkongpiaoyi

    I think the simple way to accurately select the object is : you can select everything you like in the left window which is called [Report Inspector]. You can see all bands including Title,Page Header,Detail,Summary,ect. Click the '+' before it and you will see all the objects ,you can select it here.



    that is not the simplest way, that is the only way, and sometimes is not the most agile, so we have a usability problem here.

    that way, you need at least 4 clicks to access the properties of an element, whereas before a simple right click was enough.

  4. djsiders

    I found the updates after 3.0 from version 3.5 and below to be very unstable.  I was getting corrupted jrxml, controls out of boundary with no warning, etc.  I pretty much wrote off 3.5 as unusable.

    Seem like 3.7 and up are fairly stable now if you can go to those.





    sorry I meant 3.7.4 the newest one, not 3.4.7.

    before that, there were some other defects that prevented me moving forward.

    the problem is present in current 3.7.4. version, among other debatable usability issues.

    Post Edited by victorg at 08/05/2010 17:46
  5.  Hi,

    I finally decided to move forward to the newer version of iReport 3.4.7  3.7.4 (not very convinced because of the many usability defects in the new editor) after 2 years working on 3.0.0. I need some of the new JasperReports features.

    One of the many things driving me crazy is the inaccuracy for Object selection with the mouse pointer.

    The most clear example is when you have an object placed near a Band limit (upper or lower). 

    It is not a rare thing to have, for example, a LINE Object placed near a band limit. Well, try to select then that line with the mouse. Is impossible!. Very annoying.

    Could you please solve that....




    Post Edited by victorg at 08/06/2010 18:06
  6. Hi


    I have been looking at the samples and I do not understand anything about how font extensions work and what files do I have to deploy and where.


    So please, tell me where is the best place to read about this, the ultimate guide or whatever. I bought the "Definitive Guide to JasperReports" 2 years ago where the font mapping is explained through the FONT_MAP parameter.


    I also have a project where my font mapping is solved by filling up the JRExporterParameter.FONT_MAP parameter, all logic together in one place in code, well commented, much more intuitive and understandable in my opinion.


    As far as I understand the only advantage of font extensions is that you can change them without re'compiling the application, which is not a crucial advantage for me. For me the only important thing is that the code should be easy to understand and maintain.


    So I hope JasperReports to still continue giving support for these ´deprecated´ classes and parameters.


    will it be that way?

  7.  Hello.


    1. I have some LARGE reports based on a direct DB query that could return a potentially huge number of rows. They work very well, the virtualizer does its job, and all is nice and happy.


    2. On the other side I have other Reports made of ONE unique ´row´ which could be a very complex item, that is, just a 1 or 2 pages long report made of a complex variety of related entities. Typically, this report can be made of 15 to 20 subreports distributed in 2 to 4 levels.


    For the scenario 2.,  (when the report is never potentially large in number of main elements) I never give Jasper direct access to DB data, because the DB data is raw data and needs to be processed by business and presentation logic before. I prefer to pass Jasper the data ready to be reported, formatted, etc. so Jasper just ´prints´ and don´t deal with data transformation nor processes anything.

    (You don´t generally allow your UI components to access directly the DB layer, right ?)

    So the way I do that is by using an XML doc. data source. I get the data with my Java Beans or classes, they deal with the processing and presentation logic and return to me an XML document with just the necessary information ready to be printed. 

    That is my absolute preferred approach and this is what I always do UNLESS I´m unable to do so for any reason (like case 1.).



    The PROBLEM now is that I need both things. I have DB Query that returns a potentially huge list of elements of type 2 to be reported, and I would like to know what would be the best suggested method to accomplish that.

    I would like to execute a DB query, benefit from the virtualizer to manage the huge returned list of elements, but at the same time I need to process each data row as case 2. before passing it to a Jasper Report template.

    Is not as easy as printing a Report row per DB query row. There is a complex report per retrieved DB row.

    I can not use the XML data source for the entire report because it could eventually be too big for that.


    I was thinking on a main Report based on a DB Query and for each returned element, call a utility method in my Java classes that would return a XML document that would be passed to a subreport.

    Is that possible?

    Is there a better solution I´m missing? what would be the preferred approach taking into account the many datasources and combinations Jasper supports?


    Thank you very much


    Post Edited by victorg at 07/29/2010 14:56

    Post Edited by victorg at 07/29/2010 15:01
  8. Hi Teodor, nice to meet you. Good Job.


    I should have given the version, you are right. I'm working with 3.0.0.


    Initially I did not upgrade the system because I don't feel confortable with the new version of iReport.


    Anyway I read the Release Notes for newer JasperReport engines and I did not found references to this problem, but I guess I should have tried them.


    Can I use iReport 3.0.0 with JasperReports 3.5.x?




  9.  Hi , anyone here?


    Well, I have spent some time playing html and the only way I have found to get smaller sub/superscripts is to maniputale the font size, as follows:




    The problem is that this is an absolute size, so I need to pass the text size to a utility function that manipulates the text value.

    I know there are CSS styles for relative font sizes, like using a %, but this does not work.


    I guess the way it works is that Jasper engine interprets the HTML code and produces a graphical output, right?, so I guess many of the HTML tags maybe are not implemented, like the relative font-size.


    does any of you know a better solution, pls help!  thanks



    Post Edited by victorg at 05/12/2009 19:44

    Post Edited by victorg at 05/12/2009 19:50
  10. Hi all:


    Since some time ago I´m successfully using Jasper for building reports that must contain some dynamically formatted text. I´m using HTML tags in Text Field values, for bolds, italics, subscripts and superscripts.


    Obviously the Text Field property Markup is set to HTML.


    example of some typical text values, particularly useful for chemical notation, for example, are:







    So, the question is related to the subscripts and superscripts.


    I expected to get this text half character below or above the baseline respectively, but also in a smaller font size.

    I get them in the correct position but at the same size as regular text.


    Is anything wrong with that?

    Is it possible to obtain the sub\'s and sup\'s in smaller sizes?




  11.  Hi all:


    Since some time ago I´m successfully using Jasper for building reports that must contain some dynamically formatted text. I´m using HTML tags in Text Field values, for bolds, italics, subscripts and superscripts.


    Obviously the Text Field property Markup is set to HTML.


    example of some typical text values, particularly useful for chemical notation, for example, are:







    So, the question is related to the subscripts and superscripts.


    I expected to get this text half character below or above the baseline respectively, but also in a smaller font size. I always get them in the same size as regular text.


    Is anything wrong with that?

    Is it possible to obtain the sub's and sup's in smaller sizes?




    Post Edited by victorg at 05/07/2009 18:27

    Post Edited by victorg at 05/07/2009 18:29
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