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Posts posted by jmastajam

  1. Let's look at what is the bottle neck of your report performance first. Is it the query? If so, maybe you can add indices to make it faster? In my experience, having the right indices make a BIG different. I'm talking about 15-20 mins to 10 secs.

    If you can't get around it, the second way to avoid the customer-hair-pulling wait is scheduling the report ahead of time, save it to a folder on JasperServer and email the customer the link of the file. Of course they don't have the benefit of real time data.



  2. Hi guys,

    I'm converting the date parameters to GMT time so that I can query the data exact to the second.

    I created a helper java class that does it. All is fine. For example: 10/27/08 -> 10/27/08 7:00 AM  (PST -> GMT)

    When I pass this new GMT date (java.util.date() type) into the query, it looks like the time gets truncated!


    select $P{StartDateGMT} as "myDate" from dual


    What I get from the result is "10/27/08 12:00 AM". I am positive that when I print $P(StartDateGMT), i get 10/27/08 7:00 AM.


    Any idea?


    thanks in advance



  3. Ok I figured this out, following up just for FYI sake.

    1. jar your TTF file.

    2. Include the jar file as an external jar into your project (I'm using eclipse)

    3. In the report template, set the PDF font to the name of the TTF file. For example: pdfFontName="MICR.ttf"4. isPdfEmbedded ="false"

  4. The way I have done for drill down is this:

    On the report 1, open up the properties dialog for the element you want to make into link.

    Click on the Hypelink tab. On the bottom, you should see a sub tab called "Link parameters"

    What you want to do here is add the following parameters:


    Link Parameter: _report

    Expression: <location of the report to bring up> eg. "/Reports/CompanyReport"


    Link Parameter: <name of the parameter> eg. CompanyName

    Expression: <the value that you want to pass for this parameter> eg. IBM


    If you need to add another parameter, just add another pair of  Link Parameter/Expression.


    What I find limiting is that hardcoding of the drill down report location (/Reports/CompanyReport). If you know a way to get around this, please share.




  5. Hi everyone,

    I need some help with configuring my JasperServer to recognize a new font (MICR to print account number/route number on a check)

    I've read that in order to have the PDF exporter recognize a new font, I have to register it by specifying where the TTF (true type font) file or the directory is so the iText engine can load it. My understanding is that this can be accomplish by either setting the system properties (at run time) or by the jasperreports.properties

    However, what I read is from the Definitive Guide to Jasper Reports. It doesn't look like JasperServer setting is similar.

    Has anyone done something like this before? Please help if you can. I'm pretty stuck.





  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm running JasperSever 3.0 community verision.


    I need to print in a custom font. I was able to get it to shows up right in iReport. On my JasperServer, the new font render in

    HTML, and FLASH and everything else EXCEPT PDF.

    I tried setting 'isPdfembedded' = "true"/"false". Also I did package font file (IDAutomationSMICR.ttf) into a Jar and added this JAR as a resource of the .jrxml. I even tried to include the .TTF and .JAR file under the server /classes folder like some post suggested.

    Nothing solve this error so far. What am i doing wrong?


    Thanks for helping,


    This is part of the stack trace I get when trying to export to PDF:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Could not load the following font :
    pdfFontName : IDAutomationSMICR
    pdfEncoding : Cp1252
    isPdfEmbedded : false
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.getFont(JRPdfExporter.java:1691)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.getChunk(JRPdfExporter.java:1600)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.getPhrase(JRPdfExporter.java:1583)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportText(JRPdfExporter.java:1908)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportElements(JRPdfExporter.java:679)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportPage(JRPdfExporter.java:641)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportReportToStream(JRPdfExporter.java:536)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportReport(JRPdfExporter.java:323)
    at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl.exportToPdf(EngineServiceImpl.java:282)
    at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.action.ReportPdfExporter.export(ReportPdfExporter.java:63)


    <textElement>                        <font fontName="IDAutomationSMICR" pdfFontName="IDAutomationSMICR" size="18" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1252"/>                   </textElement>
  7. You generate using the API but how do you write the JRXML, with iReport?


    You just see an extra row? Could it be because the text get overflown into another row? If you set some of the field to 'stretch with overflow' this can happen.


    Otherwise, see if you can trim the size of the row in detail to get it narrower. Also, see if you can trim the space under the column headers.


    I have no answer for the page height. If you find a way to do this, pls share.

  8. I just want to follow up for people who read this thread later. My problem earlier was that i didn't have sufficient permission to write the file in the /scripts folder


    curse the vista.


    It works great now. I fiddling around with the ANT tool (which you can search in this forum) to make this process even more streamline. Thanks everybody.

  9. thanks rayfan,

    I am poking around to see how it works. Right now, I tried ran some command like

    js-export --everything --export-dir ./myFolder

    It runs (ie. I see the output text) but the folder "myFolder" isn't created. I tried with .zip and it's not created either.


    I'll post progress later.




    ps. ji = js for 3.0 I suppose.

  10. Hi,


    How do I obtain the ji-import/export utility? I desperately need a tool to migrate reports from one environment to another.

    Is "JasperIntelligence" of old (I'm guessing JI Import/export is a tool bundled here) is what we call "Jaser Business Intelligence" now?


    Thank you in advance,


  11. Tu,

    Just in case you're still reading this thread (and anyone has the same issue), I have found the solution.


    This is how you call one report from another and passing variables to it. I'm doing this all with iReport (and I'm too lazy to track down the jrxml file code for you).


    In the MASTER report, at the control (field, image w/e) -> properties -> hyperlink->link parameters

    _report = <relative path + report label on your server>   (ie. "/reports/reportlabel")

    This parameter is required so that the "drill down" report is pulled.

    You can add all the parameters you need to pass to the drill down here. When the URL is built, it'll grab from this list.

    Oh, be sure to add the input controls in JasperServer. These input control's name need to match to the letter the arguments you have in the drill down.

    That is it! You don't have to set the anchor or anything unless you don't need to drill down to a specific area  in a report. I haven't tried this btw.


    Hope it helps.


  12. Hi Tu,

    I'm trying to do pretty much the same thing that you're doing. I'm searching for a solution too.


    I need to know two things:

    1. What is the link expression need to be.

    2. How do I pass parameters from the master report to the drill down. For example, in my requirement, if the user clicks on state CA, I want to display the detail info for CA.


    I guess I might as well post this so you don't feel so lonely. :)



  13. I'm researching Jasper Report for my company too. There no well written documents that I've found. My advice is grab whichever free from JasperSoft like attending the webinar (listed at the jaspersoft.com website), and comb these forums.



  14. Hi rehman,

    Have you tried dl'ing the JasperServer from here and install it? For me, I tried the whole trial package from Jaspersoft so it's a bit different. However, one thing that I kinda had a tough time with was connecting JasperServer with Oracle. You need to include the Oracle Driver (ie. ojdbc14.jar) in the system path variable. Right click on computer icon on the desktop is the best way of doing this. Just edit the variable name "path"

    To test if you can actually connect to oracle, in JasperServer, go to View -> reposistory -> Add resource -> Data Source -> JDBC Data Source.

    For the setting,

    Driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

    URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<db>  For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mylocaloracle


    Supply the username/password and hit "Test Connection". If it says "Test successful" you're ready to rock-n-roll. If you see an class def not found java exception, JasperServer doesn't see the .jar driver file. Go check your system Path variable. If you get some kind of denied, check your username/password.

    When you publish your JasperServer, remember to select this Data Source.

    Good luck.


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