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Posts posted by bfoese

  1. Hello,

    we are running iReport 3.7.3 and spotted a strange issue with one of our older reports.

    The report has some variables defined, which are supposed to sum up values from a subreport. The xml of the main report contains these tags:

    <returnValue subreportVariable="stockIn_sum" toVariable="stockIn_sum" calculation="Sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="stockOut_sum" toVariable="stockOut_sum" calculation="Sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckOn_sum" toVariable="truckOn_sum" calculation="Sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckOff_sum" toVariable="truckOff_sum" calculation="Sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckChange_sum" toVariable="truckChange_sum" calculation="Sum"/>

    Now, when we open up the "Subreport Return Values" dialog to change the calculation type of one of these existing values for example to "Average"  and recompile, the xml looks like this: 

    <returnValue subreportVariable="stockIn_sum" toVariable="stockIn_sum" calculation="Average"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="stockOut_sum" toVariable="stockOut_sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckOn_sum" toVariable="truckOn_sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckOff_sum" toVariable="truckOff_sum"/>
    <returnValue subreportVariable="truckChange_sum" toVariable="truckChange_sum"/>

    The "calculation"-Attributes of all the other return values get lost. Same happens, when we try to add another value without touching the existing ones.

    By the way, if we just recompile, without touching the values at all, everything stays fine.

    Is this a known bug, or did we missed something? Any hints would be appreciated.


  2. Hello,

    you can add your hyperlink for the field in iReport., but should consider the following:
    The JRViewer class has an instance of JRViewerPane which implements the JRHyperlinkListener. Out of the box, only hyperlinks of type "LocalAnchor" and "LocalPage" are being handled. In order  to open another report, you can call the addHyperlinkListener-Method of the JRViewerPane class to pass your own implementation of JRHyperlinkListener.





  3. Hi,

    merging cells is actually possible. But in my case the text within a field that is nested inside of a nested cell doesn't appear in the generated report. I posted it yesterday (topic ID #75431) and included the code for the table component.

    However if you want to recreate the table you pointed out in iReport, try these steps:

    1. Create a Table with (in your case) 7 columns.
    2. For the szenario that you want to have the merging column in the column footer, select the columns two to seven in this footer (Report Inspector tree) and choose "Group selected columns" in the context menu. This creates a new element called "Group Header", that spans the formerly selected colums.
    3. This new element doesn't contain a cell yet, so you choose "Add cell" in the context menu of this element. Now you're able to drop a text field in this cell.

    Hopefully, this does the trick for you.

  4. Hello,

    my question concerns the new table element which was introduced in iReport 3.7.3.

    I have a table that consists of 10 columns and has one group. I grouped the columns in the header of this group, which generated a column that spans all of the ten columns. I put a text field element in this group header, but the text in this field doesn't show up in the report. The detail cells are perfectly filled though.

    I wasn't sure if the expression in this particular text field was evaluated, so I used the expression to call a scriptlet method. This worked.

    Now I am not sure if this is a bug or if I missed something. The part of the jrxml with the definition of the table is attached.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. Hello,
    I have a report with two crosstabs. In the main report I applied report styles to the fields. Whereas the fields in the crosstabs don't use any predefined styles. Their text properties are applied directly.

    Everything works fine until I change the style definitions in the *.jrxml file. After recompiling, the fields in the crosstabs appear blank. The text just doesn't show up, even though the fields don't use the predefined styles.

    Any hints about that problem?

  6. Hi, I am facing a problem concerning the stretching of a rotated text field.

    In the footer band of a group I positioned a text field with rotation="left" next to a subreport. Neither  I was able to stretch the field  dynamically  depending on the  content nor  to stretch depending on the height of the subreport.

    The property "Stretch with overflow" for the field is activated and I tried grouping the field and the supreport with stretch type "Relative to tallest object" as well as stretching "Relative to band height" while ungrouped, but neither of this worked.

    Is it even possible to stretch rotated text fields vertically?

    Thanks in advance, Britt

  7. Hi Ashley,

    try this: Create a new variable with

    • Variable Class Type: Integer
    • Calculation Type: Count or Distinct Count (depending whether you want multiple occurences of a county within a state to be counted or not)
    • Reset Type: Group; Reset Group: state (this is actually rather important)
    • Increment Type: None
    • Variable Expression: $F{county} for example if the field class type is comparable or something like $F{county}.getId(), but this depends on your data; However, you should provide a value to identify each country
    • Initial Value Ex

    Now you can add a field, for example to the footer of your state group, with the field expression $V{nameOfYourNewVariable} . For the evaluation time works 'Now' as well as 'Band' or 'Group' in combination with Evaluation Group 'county' or 'state'.

    Hope this helps.

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