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  1. I have a problem with printing polish font from preview. On preview report looks great, but when I print it, polish fonts are missing on paper. Printing from .pdf, or from .doc works ok, font is printed correctly, but from Jasper Preview not. Can someone help me to resolve this problem? Thank You
  2. Looks like noone can help me with this strange problem :(
  3. Let me show you example of the problem. First attached file is a preview, second is after saving to PDF.
  4. Hello, I have problem with report exported to PDF file. Some Text Field has "Stretch With Overflow" option marked (in iReport) and text is perfectly displayed on preview, when I'm creating report. Field is correctly stretched, all text is visible, it contains 3 lines on preview. But when I save this to PDF, text is cut, only first line of text is visible, two text lines are removed in PDF. Is there some way to resolve this problem? Thank You for any help.
  5. I'm using JasperViewer to display report before saving. It is displayed correctly and looks fine in JasperViewer. When I save it in PDF file it also looks fine. But when I save it in ODT, few fields are not visible. I have frame with two fields inside: one static text and one text field with data from DB. On preview it looks ok, in PDF it looks ok, in ODT only frame is visible, fields are not displayed. Why it is so ? Thanks for help
  6. JasperViewer allows to save report in few files format. I need to remove from that list unnecessary formats (docx, xml, html, etc.). I would like to provide export only to pdf and odt. How to do that ? How to remove from JasperViewe, save JFileChooser formats that I don't need?
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