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Posts posted by ruffp

  1. I sort the problem by putting the resource_bundle files in the classpath of the war application. 

    My jasper templates are located in: "mywebapp/WEB-INF/classes/jasper-templates/myjasper.jrxml

    But I had to put the resource bundle in the parent folder which was the only accessible at runtime: "mywebapp/WEB-INF/classes/mybundle.properties"

    Hope this can help

  2. And it looks the issue is still there in iReport version 4.7.1. For Me I loose so mcuh time to convert my measure from a paper which ar ein cm or mm trying to convert them. It will be a real template designer if it can manage several units as inputs.
  3. My case is really simple: 

    The idea is to have this:

    1. Each reports and subreport are in my WEB-INF java we app (WAR) in a jrxml form only
    2. I followed this method to refer the subreport from the master and using the compilation at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9785451/generate-jasper-report-with-subreport-from-java
    3. I have a single XML file used as datasource for all the reports (master + all subreports)
    The problem is that when I compile the sub-reports at runtime (even it is made only once) the sub report have no data.
    I tried different ways to pass the data:
     -  XML_DATA_DOCUMENT (using the demo/samples/xmldatasource from the distrib)
     - REPORT_DATA_SOURCE: ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/parameters/selected/item[category=Offers]")
    but none is working.
    The question is : when we compile the subreport, should we provide the data to the master beforeor after we pass the compiled subreports ?
    The only workaround I have is to compile all and use the hardcoded exprfession "subreport_x.jasper" in the master report to refers them.  




  4. Hello, I tried this, but it does nt change anything. I still get NullPointerException even I don't have any "null" in the jrxml. The line it say the error is : Another big problems I got is the modification of the evaluationTime to null everytime i make a modification using the XML view. I seems the version 3.1.2 is not stable at all, using the same jrxml file with 3.0.0 (without netbeans) is more stable. I tried to find the resolution for these issues and found nothing using google nor the jasperforge search tool.

    Thanks if somebody can help. 

  5. hello,

    Thanks for the tip, I already saw these example but what I wanted to explain in my second post is that I cannot find samples for ReportUnit Options.

    The tests with Report units is wirking for me now.

    Regarding the Options, I just saw that there's a //todo implement here in the update function for report options and just want to know if it is the same for the creation.

    Best regards,
    PS: sorry for the blank post before, I wrote almost the same post but when it was posted the content has been dropped


  6. Hello,

    Is it still working with version 3?

    I get a return code 0, but nothing in the list.

    Can you give me a trace of the xml soap request (and response if possible) so that I can check with soapui?

    Thanks and best regards,


  7. Hello,

    I am trying to add a new ReportUnit (RU) but referencing a jrxml already in the repository.

    From the sample in the remoting project and when referencing the jrxml from the file system (File object) it works perfectly; when I try to get the jrxml from the repository, the RU is created but not correct (I get a MalformedURLException when executing).

    Do you have a sample how to reference jrxml already in the repository?


  8. I just found a behaviour and don't know if it is normal or a bug: If I move a report, all its options, inputcontrols, datasource are moved in the same time.

    When copying it, I just have the ReportUnit without the options but with the input controls.

    The options shouldn't be copied as well as they are attached to their parent report unit?

    It occurs by using the admin console or by web services as well.


  9. Hello,

    I am trying to modify an existing ReportUnit (RU). I just tried the following way:

        ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor();
        rd.setWsType(ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT );

        ResourceDescriptor ru = repoService.get( rd, null);

        ru.setLabel("changed label");
        repoService.addOrModify( ru, null);

    This work as I can see the RU with ne new label with the admin console, but when executing it, it make a MalformedURIException. I tried also to put the PROP_REFERENCE_REPORT_URI (don t remember exactly the right name but correct in my code) as explained in the WebServices doc but it still make these errors.

    Do you have more precise documentation about what options is mandatory to set for every operation we can do to these documents (RU, RU options and so on) especially the modify and create new items.

    I have the same problem when trying to modify the options for a report unit (the values are never modified).


  10. Hello,

    I just found the samples in the remoting-test project in the sources.

    But these example does not show how to access the webservices using Spring WS (and not Spring) .

    The other problem I have is how to modify (with the i-reports pugin sample) a ReportUnit Options and how I can create such new items from scratch (but referencing existing ReportUnits and JRXML files).

    I tried many differents ways but there's still errors (hibernate errors about optionName) even if I set the name, label, parent folder and so on. I can send the XML later.

    Thanks for the anwers and best regards,
    Patrick Ruffieux

  11. Hello,


    I just try to access the JasperServer webservices through Spring WS and not using AXIS framework.


    First question: Is it possible to send XML messages through SOAP without using Axis?


    Second one: I made the XML message by marshalling (with jasper Marschaller) the Request (jasper) which contains the ResourceDescriptor and generate the following XML code:



    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:«»SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <request operationName="list">
    <resourceDescriptor isNew="false" name="" uriString="/" wsType="folder">


    It returns me a SAX parsing error.


    With soapui tool, I saw that I have to encapsulate the request tag inside a axis:list and it works.

    But the jasper Marshaller didn't put this axis tag.


    I just think that a web service depends so much of a framework and perhaps I am doing something wrong.


    If someone can help me,

    Thanks in advance


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