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  1. Hi, My requirement is to count the number of values for a particular column grouped by the column value. For eg., Column name is 'Car Manufacturer' and values are 'Toyota', 'Honda', 'Ford', etc. I wan to know how many Toyota, Honda, Ford etc. Can you help how to achieve this. Thanks...
  2. Thank you so much...that solution is working fine...
  3. Normally the sub total (or whatever calculation) is done after the records in detail section are populated and the result can be displayed in page footer, column footer or summary. My requirement is to print the sub total of the data (populated in detail section), at the top of the report instead of displaying at the bottom. Anyone can help me to know if there a direct/indrect way to do this? Many Thanks...
  4. Try using lines instead of borders for the detail section.
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