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Everything posted by yskripch

  1. Hello, I would like to add parameters to the select block of an SQL statement. Something along the lines of : Select Name ,job ,address ,$P{Group} ,$P{Group2} from table where date between $P{Start} and $P{End} group by Name ,job ,address ,$P{Group} ,$P{Group2} so the two parameters that are passed in will be used as a grouping method plus they need to fill in fields in the report. I have tried playing with the ! in the SQL statement but it doesnt help. The WHERE block works fine, the problem is in the GROUP BY and SELECT blocks of the statement. IF anybody has any idea how to make this work, I would appreciate the help. Let me know if you need more information.
  2. i believe u need the following expression when passing parameters. $P{pDate} and not $F{pDate} $F means you are passing the field value and not the parameter value. Hope this helps.
  3. Hello, I am trying to make it so that the dates that the user input can be restricted to a certain range. Is there a way to set a maximum range for the date that is input in JasperServer? Or does this need to be included in the SQL quary? Or should I just write a java class that compares the StartDate and EndDate parameters and see if they exceed the maximum? Let me know what can be done and if there is a way to do it without writing a java please give me a basic walkthrough for it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, My goal is to take a parameter that I am inputing and use it to modify the possible values for another field. A basic example is if I have a City and Costumer parameters. If I dont select a city then all my costumers would show up, but if I select a city like New York, I would want only the costumers in New York to be available for selection. I want to know what is better or easy to use the scriptlets utility in iReports or creating a JAR file with a java class in it?
  5. I am also getting a similar error. Could you please email me at YSkripchenko@gmail.com about how you are adding the Jar file. thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you for your response. I have been looking through the forum and it seems that dynamic sorting has not been incorporated into iReport yet. Is this an accurate assessment? When I say dynamic sorting I mean that if I had one group field. I would want to be able to sort the fields within the group based on different fields. I would not be changing the grouped field or its order just the fields within the group. If this can be done please let me know how. Thank you for all the help. I really appreciate it.
  7. If what I said wasnt clear. My goal is to create a collapsible table so that I could get more detail whenever I click on a field. I know this could be done in JasperDecisions but how do you do this in iReport?
  8. Hello, I am new to iReport and I have not been able to find a suitable topic that address this issue. I am trying to link a text fields to my subreport. So that when I click on a costumers name, the subreport on the costumer would come up. I have not been able to figure out how to do this myself and couldnt find a topic that explained this clearly. If somebody could tell me how to do this, I would appreciate it. Thank you for the help.
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