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  1. I understand that file types and size can be restricted in jasper server, but what about the content of the uploaded file, is that or can that be checked against the extension/mime type of the uploaded file? And is it possible to implement some form of virus checking?
  2. Does the community edition support oracle rdbms as repository i.s.o. postgresql? In your document 'Jaspersoft Platform Support Community Edition' Updated August 2020. In chapter 'Databases' the oracle RDBMS versions 12cR1,12cR2, 18c (18.3) and 19c are listed with types Data Source and Repository as 'Certified'. Can you direct me to documentation that describes the configuration steps to enable this capability? I have not been able to locate that documentation, other than problems mentioned in the Answers section and some remarks that the community edition does not support oracle as its repository. Please clarify. Kind regards Driekus de Lange
  3. It seems that the only timezone in the holiday calendar of the job scheduler that works is GMT+01:00 or Europe/Amsterdam, which is the same, other timezones have no effect on the scheduler. Does anybody know if I'm doing something wrong or that there are other timezones that do work? I have tried GMT+08:00 orAsia/Singapore, GMT or Europe/London but they don't work either. Below is an example of the contents of a holiday calendar Kind regards <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <reportJobCalendar> <calendarType>holiday</calendarType> <description>test holiday calendar EuropeAmsterdam</description> <excludeDays> <excludeDay>2021-02-18</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-02-19</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-03</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-04</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-09</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-10</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-20</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-21</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-22</excludeDay> <excludeDay>2021-03-23</excludeDay> </excludeDays> <timeZone>Europe/Amsterdam</timeZone> </reportJobCalendar>
  4. We use jasperreports-server-cp-7.1.0. We want to configure the character encoding of the csv output of a jasper report when it is executed by the job scheduler. By adding the follwing properties to the jrxml of the report: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.character.encoding" value="ISO-8859-1"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.csv.encoding" value="ISO-8859-1"/> We can create a csv export file with the desired encoding, but only when we run the report ad-hoc from the web application. When we schedule the report to be run by the job scheduler, the exported csv gets the utf-8 encoding. We have tried to add properties to jasperreports.properties as follows: net.sf.jasperreports.export.character.encoding=ISO-8859-1 net.sf.jasperreports.csv.encoding=ISO-8859-1 but that did not help. Thanks for any help
  5. We currently run jasperserver 7.1 and jasperreport studio 6.11 (community editions). We use this installed software in a standard way, i.e. we do not use the included jar's for any other purpose. Recently we received emails from itextpdf.com about renewing our subscription. First of all I am not aware of any subscription we have for the use of itext software. I would like to know if are we in any way compelled to obtain a license and/or subscription from itextpdf.com? Kind regards Driekus de Lange
  6. Hello, anybody there? How come nobody has a solution to this seriuous issue? We are not able to upgrade our jasperserver because we have a lot of xml reports .
  7. I have a similar problem: any dash(or hyphen?) in a filename is replaced with -002d when stored in the jasperserver repository. this is part of an export example: |-- Labels | |-- kl-002dlabels.properties.data | |-- kl-002dlabels.properties.xml | |-- kl-002dlabels_en.properties.data | |-- kl-002dlabels_en.properties.xml | |-- kl-002dlabels_nl.properties.data | `-- kl-002dlabels_nl.properties.xml The actual name in the kl-002dlabels.properties.xml is: kl-labels_nl.propertiesThe bundle name in the jasper report is kl-labels.Everything works fine, but I do not understand why these filenames are like this.Furthermore, are there any 'special' characters' that will cause similar replacements. Kind regardsddelange
  8. I think you should use the prefix 'repo:' when running from jasperserver. regards, Driekus
  9. The pdf font name in the latest uploaded style template is the one used by jasperserver regardless of the style sheet name in the template specification in the jasper report that is run. Scenario: 2 style sheet templates: styles.jrtx in which all pdf font names are DejaVuSans and styles_ch.jrtx in which all pdf fontnames are StSong-light.Both style sheets are uploaded into the jasper server repository in the Resource folder of a report unit.The report elements only use the styles from the style sheet.It does not matter whether we specify repo:styles.jrtx or repo:styles_ch.jrtx in the template node of the report, it will always use the pdf font of the style sheet that was uploaded last. Jasper reports server 4.7.0 on Linux 64 with jasperreports 5.0.0. Addendum:jasperserver 6.0 with jasperreports 6.0 shows the same behaviour, on top of that it is not only the pdf font settings , but all styles from the last uploaded stylesheet become the 'current' style for the report.My conclusion is that it is no use to change the style sheet template name or its path during runtime driven by runtime parameters, because the styles that where uploaded last will be used. In order to implement different styles in the same report during runtime, you have to register different report units, each unit with its own style sheet template.To me this is a less than desirable implementation model.
  10. In version 2.0.4 xml namespaces were ignored and I could create a report from an xml datasource that included namespace. Now in version 3.6.0, this is not the case, I get "No data" with the xml and report that i used in version 2.0.4. In both versions I get a java exception when I put namespace prefixes inside the field's xpath expressions. Can you please help? Kind regards
  11. I have spent some time on this but could not find the solution, i have added the property net.sf.jasperreports.compiler.keep.java.file=true to the file C:\Documents and Settings\<me>\Application Data\.ireport\3.5.0\config\Preferences\com\jaspersoft\ireport.properties but that dit not help. Although other changes to the same file (like connection properties) DID have effect. Can somebody please help us!!???
  12. I'm new to ireport(windows version 3.0.0), and I want to use xml datasource. Problems: - I can only pass single values to a subreport (path .), but I cannot make a subreport show detail out of the same xml datasource as the master report uses by passing a filter that supplies the information to extract detail data from the xml datasource. Can supply details if so required - where are the report templates stored(I see them under the templates subdir, but the wizard, nor the 'user choices templates' popup sees them. How to make/save templates, How to show/use templates? Thx in advance.
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