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  1. Hello, Could someone please help with options for group page break in a crosstab report exported to PDF? Jasper version 3.0. Screen example below. I need a new page after the total column for SD045 in grey. I can post the .jrxml if neccessary. Also I have searched the examples and the forum without success. This is being fed from a JRBeanCollectionDataSource. Thanks. /uploads/projects/jasperreports/image/crosstab.JPG
  2. Hello, I am new here and have a problem with a crosstab report. The example is attached. I would like the main column group header to span across ALL detail values for the column without excess space or wrapping at the column header. For example the main column header value is "1 Weekly QA Monitor" this will not stretch across the detail values of "91.2% 91.2% 91.1%" without excessive white space being in the detail line such as this: "1 Weekly QA Monitor" "2 Weekly Labor Variance" "91.2% 91.2% 91.1%" "0.4% 0.4% 0.1%" Is there a way to eliminate the excess white space and do this? "1 Weekly QA Monitor" "2 Weekly Labor Variance" "91.2% 91.2% 91.1%" "0.4% 0.4% 0.1%" Please help. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello, I've searched high and low. I'm probably just doing this wrong but I have a report that successfully exports to .pdf with a source bean that now needs to export to a smb:// location. I'm using jcifs SmbFile to connect to a Windows network share and can't figure how to do this without exporting to the machine where the report is being generated and then copying the .pdf to the share. Please help. Thanks
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