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Posts posted by PrasannaKate

  1. I am using Jasperserver Pro 3.0.2.  I have a valid jasperserver.license and I have set the Tomcat classpath param

    Whenever I try to access the UI I get the error:

    Invalid License! This license is incorrect. All licenses must list JasperIntelligence 1.1, but the license that was found lists JasperIntelligence 1.1.

    The same Jasper server pro war and the same license file when deployed on another machine works fine. I have been using this license file for almost last 6 months without any errors but suddenly I started getting these errors last week.

    Can some one please help?

  2. Hi,

    I am a developer and I am trying to improve the performance of our analysis views using aggregate tables. The problem I am facing is that the analysis view is not using aggregate table for calculations and instead it is directly going to the fact_table. Can some one tell me why is this happening ?

    I have pasted below a test analysis view I am trying to use. The fact table is recipient_success and the aggregate table is agg_tracking_by_month. There are three dimension tables I am using mailing, campaign and date_dimension. All these tables have various columns.

    The aggregate tables looks like:
    postgres=# d agg_tracking_by_month
          Table "public.agg_tracking_by_month"
       Column   |          Type          | Modifiers
     fact_count | integer                |
     delivered  | integer                |
     year       | integer                |
     quarter    | integer                |
     month      | integer                |
     mailing    | character varying(255) |
     campaign   | character varying(255) |

    My MDX is
    select {[Time.Time].[All Time.Times].[2008]} ON COLUMNS,
      Crossjoin(Hierarchize({([Campaign.Campaign].[All Campaign.Campaigns], [Mailing.Mailing].[All Mailing.Mailings])}), {[Measures].[Delivered]}) ON ROWS
    from [success]

    In the logs, I have enabled Mondrian SQL logging by setting
    log4j.logger.mondrian.rolap.RolapUtil=debug in log4.properties

    and it shows that the analysis view directly uses the fact_table when it should be computing the values based on the agg_tracking_by_month table.

    -------------Start jasperserver.log----------------------
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,770 DEBUG [http-8443-Processor23] rolap.SqlStatement - AggStar.FactTable.makeNumberOfRows: executing sql [select count(*) as "c0" from "public"."agg_tracking_by_month" as "agg_tracking_by_month"], exec 1 ms
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,810 WARN  [http-8443-Processor23] recorder.AbstractRecorder - Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_tracking_by_month' for fact table 'recipient_success' has a column 'mailing' with unknown usage.
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,811 WARN  [http-8443-Processor23] recorder.AbstractRecorder - Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_tracking_by_month' for fact table 'recipient_success' has a column 'month' with unknown usage.
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,812 WARN  [http-8443-Processor23] recorder.AbstractRecorder - Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_tracking_by_month' for fact table 'recipient_success' has a column 'year' with unknown usage.
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,813 WARN  [http-8443-Processor23] recorder.AbstractRecorder - Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_tracking_by_month' for fact table 'recipient_success' has a column 'campaign' with unknown usage.
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,814 WARN  [http-8443-Processor23] recorder.AbstractRecorder - Recognizer.checkUnusedColumns: Candidate aggregate table 'agg_tracking_by_month' for fact table 'recipient_success' has a column 'quarter' with unknown usage.
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,824 DEBUG [http-8443-Processor23] rolap.SqlStatement - SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren: executing sql [select "date_dimension"."year" as "c0" from "public"."date_dimension" as "date_dimension" where "date_dimension"."year" = 2008 group by "date_dimension"."year" order by "date_dimension"."year" ASC], exec 4 ms
    2009-01-08 04:03:58,832 DEBUG [http-8443-Processor23] rolap.SqlStatement - SqlMemberSource.getMemberChildren: executing sql [select "mailing"."name" as "c0" from "public"."mailing" as "mailing" where UPPER("mailing"."name") = UPPER('Campaign.Campaign') group by "mailing"."name" order by "mailing"."name" ASC], exec 4 ms
    2009-01-08 04:07:05,198 DEBUG [http-8443-Processor24] rolap.SqlStatement - Segment.load: executing sql [select "date_dimension"."year" as "c0", count("recipient_success"."recipient_success_id") as "m0" from "public"."date_dimension" as "date_dimension", "public"."recipient_success" as "recipient_success" where "recipient_success"."date_dimension_id" = "date_dimension"."date_dimension_id" and "date_dimension"."year" = 2008 group by "date_dimension"."year"], exec 165274 ms
    -------------End jasperserver.log----------------------

    ----------------Start Schema----------------------------
    <Schema name="Tracking">

    <Dimension type="TimeDimension" name="Time">
    <Hierarchy name="Time" hasAll="true" primaryKey="date_dimension_id" primaryKeyTable="date_dimension">
    <Table name="date_dimension" schema="public">
    <Level name="Year" table="date_dimension" column="year" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true" levelType="TimeYears" hideMemberIf="Never">
    <Level name="Quarter" table="date_dimension" column="quarter" nameColumn="" ordinalColumn="quarter" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeQuarters" hideMemberIf="Never">
    <Level name="Month" table="date_dimension" column="month" nameColumn="month_sname" ordinalColumn="month" parentColumn="" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeMonths" hideMemberIf="Never">
    <Level name="Day of month" table="date_dimension" column="day" nameColumn="" ordinalColumn="day" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="false" levelType="TimeDays" hideMemberIf="Never">

    <Dimension name="Mailing">
    <Hierarchy name="Mailing" hasAll="true" primaryKey="mailing_id" primaryKeyTable="mailing">
    <Table name="mailing" schema="public">
    <Level name="Mailing" table="mailing" column="name" uniqueMembers="false" hideMemberIf="Never">

    <Dimension name="Campaign">
    <Hierarchy name="Campaign" hasAll="true" primaryKey="campaign_id" primaryKeyTable="campaign">
    <Table name="campaign" schema="public">
    <Level name="Campaign" table="campaign" column="name" uniqueMembers="false" hideMemberIf="Never">

    <Cube name="Success" cache="true" enabled="true">
    <Table name="recipient_success" schema="public">
    <AggName name="agg_tracking_by_month" schema="public">
    <AggFactCount column="fact_count"/>
    <AggMeasure name="[Measures].[Delivered]" column="delivered" />
    <AggLevel name="[Time].[Year]" column="year" />
    <AggLevel name="[Time].[Quarter]" column="quarter" />
    <AggLevel name="[Time].[Month]" column="month" />
    <AggLevel name="[Mailing].[Mailing]" column="mailing" />
    <AggLevel name="[Campaign].[Campaign]" column="campaign" />
    <DimensionUsage name="Time" source="Time" foreignKey="date_dimension_id">
    <DimensionUsage name="Mailing" source="Mailing" foreignKey="mailing_id">
    <DimensionUsage name="Campaign" source="Campaign" foreignKey="campaign_id">
    <Measure name="Delivered" column="recipient_success_id" aggregator="count" visible="true">
    --------------End Schema--------------------


  3. Hi All,


    Currently in Jasper server all topics must reside directly under

    adhoc->topics directory in the repository. If I create a sub folder under adhoc->topics and add a topic to it, it is not visible to me on the Ad Hoc Report Topics UI.


    I want to create sub folders like dept1, dept2 etc under adhoc->topics and add topics to each sub folder. These should be visible on the Ad Hoc Report Topics UI.


    Does any one know how to achieve this?




  4. Hi All,


    I need a way to pass a department ID parameter to the Adhoc topic so that only data from a particular department is visible.

    The challenge is I want to set the parameter department ID automatically i.e. I don't want the user to specify this parameter. I have the department ID information in the session.

    Is is possible?




  5. Hi,


    We need a streamlined version of the ROLE_ADMIN i.e. a role ROLE_DEPT which has a subset of the permissions available to ROLE_ADMIN as follows:


    1. This role should have access to the Repository option in the Manage menu but users, roles and analysis options in Manage menu should be hidden.

    2. Some resources (reports) should have read only permission so they should not be visible under Manage->Repository.

    3. In Manage->Repository, the "Permissions" column should be hidden for all resources in the repository.

    4. Any resources created in the repository should get assigned to the role assigned to the user.


    Can some one help me here?




  6. Hi All,


    We need a way to do following in Jasper Server programatically:

    A. Create folder

    B. Create datasource

    C. Create Ad Hoc reports

    D. Create users

    E. Create roles

    F. Create Analysis views

    G. Assign role and access permissions to reports and datasource


    We are evaluating three approaches:


    1. Web service APIs There are NO web service APIs for D,E,F and G so we are planning to implement the corresponding Java APIs and add wrapper Web Service APIs for these.


    2. Using js-import utils We will copy the required resources (folder structure and XML files) to Jasper server machine and add a Web service in Jasper that will execute js-import util on these resources.


    3. Modify database directly We are trying to see if it is possible to update the database directly to create these resources.


    Has any one tried doing this? Or does any one have a better solution?




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