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Posts posted by migueldealmeida

  1. mdrg, thanks in advance for your reply.

    I'm not sure if I understand it entirely. Should it work if one puts the tag in the expression? I'm not sure how to fit it there, could you help from this example:


    <style isBold="true">"WWUID: "</style> + $F{worldwideUID.wwuid}


    With that iReport says there is a parsing error in "<", so it's probably not like this...


  2. I have the following scenario:

    One table cell has 2 vertically separated contents: a text field and a subreport.

    I am finding that, with the options I have now for these elements, when the sub-report has information, the field is not shown.


    I have tried options (stretch with overflow, stretch type), but don't really know the correct way to do this.


    Could an experienced user help me with the options so that:

    1) Both elements are displayed

    2) If the text for these elements is bigger than usual, I still want to display them. If necessary, the entire table row should stretch so that the contents of that cell fit.


    Thanks a lot

  3. Scenario:

    - Create a table

    - In one of the cells, create a subreport


    What happens is that the contents of the subreport will populate that cell. However, most of the times the contents will split the contents of that cell.

    The result is that, when you export (eg: to Excel), the cell will be made up of lots of cells (see the screenshot).


    How can one make the sub-report be printed as a single cell of the table and prevent this complicated output file?

  4. I'm using iReport to create a table. However, when I add some content to a cell, the XML generated is:


    <jr:column width="90">
                            <jr:tableHeader style="table 2_TH" height="30">
                                    <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="90" height="30"/>
                            <jr:tableFooter style="table 2_TH" height="30"/>
                            <jr:columnHeader style="table 2_CH" height="30"/>
                            <jr:columnFooter style="table 2_CH" height="30"/>
                            <jr:detailCell style="table 2_TD" height="20"/>


    ie, it adds a table inside the column.

    The consequence is that the generated report in an editable format (Openoffice, RTF) has a complicated table: each cell has a table inside it, making it very difficult to edit the document.


    However, if one just puts the <staticText> inside the jr:column the document is invalid.

    Is it possible to create a simple table with simple cell contents instead of nested tables?



  5. In my detail view, I have a tabe-like template. In one of the boxes, I have:

    1) Two sub-reports

    2) Two text fields

    Sometimes the sub-reports and text-fields will print some lines, other times they'll be blank. The box always has the same width and height and position on the page.

    Is there a way to achieve the following:

    - Conditional print of the last text field: if it fits entirely in that box, print it there.

    - If it doesn't fit entirely in that box, print the part that fits there and create a second page with "Continuation: " and the remaining text.


    I attach a PDF with the template. The box I am talking about is section 7+13

    Is this possible in iReport?

    Post Edited by wild_oscar at 09/15/2010 13:04
  6. In order to increase community spirit and speed up interaction and support, I propose that Jasperreport users join the channel #jasperreports on irc.freenode.net whenever possible.


    If we maintain a decent user group on the channel, productivity will increase and support will be better.


    I hope to see you on #jasperreports.

  7. I am trying to set borders to elements, such as a frame or textfields.


    I am doing it by:


    1) selecting the element

    2) Selecting one of the border options in the icon on top of the screen (next to text alignment)


    After this, I also try to change the border color by going to the element properties - Border - and selecting a line witdth and color.




    a) The border is never displayed when I do the procedure in the frame element


    b) Changing colors and width produces no effect on any element.


    c) I don't understand what the border drawing on Properties-Border is for


    What is the order of steps so I can set border, change its color and width to textfields and frames?

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