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Posts posted by fusion27

  1. Hi guys, got a couple of questions.  I'll attach my .jrxml and sample data

    1. See how I'm page numbering in the upper right?  I've been asked to reset that page numbering when the web_form_id changes from page to page, how would I do that?
    2. On the top left, do you see how we're concatentating first_name and last_name, below it the web_form_id?  When we page up on our PDF viewer, we're noticing that those numbers aren't reflective of the data below.  For example when the report loads, Page 1 "Casey Wise" is the applicant with web_form_id=27337.  When you page out to #5, the data below is from web_form_id=27340 but the top of the page in the Column Header band is showing web_form_id=27337.  I figure I'm missing something about how the Column Header band is working.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Casey Wise

  2. Hi guys,

    I'm building out a report and have a question about input parameters.  Based on the input of a boolean parameter, I'd like to make the SQL conditional.  Here's my sql.

    When the Jasper Report is built, I prompt the user with 4 input parameters:

    1. Start Time (dttm_begin)
    2. End Time (dttm_end)
    3. Job Position Number (pos_no)
    4. yes/no Qualified candidates (flg_shortlist)

    I understand how to make 1,2 and 3 work.  The problem I'm having is with #4. 

    When the user indicates "true" for flg_shortlist I want #41 in my where clause to make the SQL submitted to the database read like this:

    AND c.title = ''

    When the user indicates "false" for flg_shortlist I want #41 in my where clause to make the SQL submitted to the database read like this:

    AND c.title = 'Y'

    Thanks for your help.

    Casey Wise

  3. Hi guys, I'm really liking iReport.  I've learned a ton in the past year, but I'm getting stuck here.

    The report pretty much looks like the web form that collects the data for it, it's here:


    The first html textarea "Reason for Leaving" can collect up to 65,535 characters.  In iReport when the field that accomodates that much data, I've figured out how "Stretch With Overflow" works, it will expand that text field.  Where I'm getting caught is the report elements below.  I want to maintain vertical spacing/magins between each of those text fields, so if it expands down 3cm, I'd like for the rest of the pieces of the report to move down 3cm.  Check out the attached screen cap and code.  Thanks for your help.

  4. Hi there, I'm out to get a new desk from having pounded my head on it for the past 3 hours. This can't be that difficult, but for my thick skull, it appears to be just that. This is a 100% newbie question.


    I'm trying to test the values of 2 variables and output text when that test is true.


    ($F{CLASSIFICATION}.equals('Staff') && $V{LAST_CLASSIFICATION}.equals('Faculty'))?"test works":""


    I also tried:

    [code]($F{CLASSIFICATION}=='Staff' && $V{LAST_CLASSIFICATION}=='Faculty')?"test works":""


    I'm really confused can someone help out?



    Casey Wise

  5. You guys, this is a really basic question, I've been asking a few, but coming up to speed on this tool is quite cool.


    I have a field that lists out the salary for a job opportunity here at the university.


    I want to do something like this. I've asked Google a couple of times and I'm not asking the question correctly.


    if ($F{SALARY}!=""«»)
    echo $F{SALARY};


    Thanks for the help.

  6. You guys, I'm brand new to Java, Jasper, and iReport. Please pardon my misuse of terminology.


    Here's an attachment I couldn't attach because it's too big.




    That really lays it out right there. We are showing job opportunities on this report for the University. We're working from a MySQL database. The "Duties," "Qualifications," and "Comments" are coming out of MySQL as BLOB data types. It could be a sentence or a novella. I’ve figured out how to make the text fields stretch with overflow. What I can’t figure out is how to make the "label" associated with that text field move down while remaining vertically aligned to it’s respective dynamic text field. Take a look at the attachment, I hope that makes sense.

  7. I'm brand spanking new to Java, Jasper and iReport and am working under a deadline, please pardon my horrible use of terminology.


    I work at a university and we're posting jobs all the time. I have report that details a job vacancy. Working out of a MySQL db, the text coming in to a couple of fields is a BLOB and can be 1 sentence or a novella. What I'm trying to do is label that field with a heading of "DUTIES". The BLOB text field below is called "QUALIFICATIONS" with a respective label. I've found the "Stretch with overflow" check box in the text field properties which is getting me close. When the "DUTIES" text field stretches beyond the region I've visually set up for it, I want the top of "QUALIFICATIONS" and it's respective label to move down. I want that detail band to expand to accommodate the label and the text field.


    Please see the attached image, it lays it out pretty well.


    It's a really cool tool, I'm looking forward to becoming more proficient with it... this surface scratching is boring!

  8. I'm brand spanking new to Java, Jasper and iReport and am working under a deadline, please pardon my horrible use of terminology.


    I work at a university and we're posting jobs all the time. I have report that details a job vacancy. Working out of a MySQL db, the text coming in to a couple of fields is a BLOB and can be 1 sentence or a novella. What I'm trying to do is label that field with a heading of "DUTIES". The BLOB text field below is called "QUALIFICATIONS" with a respective label. I've found the "Stretch with overflow" check box in the text field properties which is getting me close. When the "DUTIES" text field stretches beyond the region I've visually set up for it, I want the top of "QUALIFICATIONS" and it's respective label to move down. I want that detail band to expand to accommodate the label and the text field.


    Please see the attached image, it lays it out pretty well.


    It's a really cool tool, I'm looking forward to becoming more proficient with it... this surface scratching is boring!

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