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Posts posted by dnewsom

  1. I couldn't find any documentation and ended up just playing around with it. I did find it worked easier if I setup the dataset before I create the table. Over all it works similar to crosstabs with subtle differences. If you have any questions let me know and I'd be happy to help out as best I can.

  2. I'm working on updating a bunch of our reports to use the new table elements. I've got my dataset setup and everything looks like it's correct. I have a group setup within it and I am trying to create a variable that will sum a price for that group. I've got it setup with calculation sum, reset on the group and no increments.

    When I put that variable in the group footer band of the table and all it reports is the value of the last row instead of the sum of that group. I've tried setting the evaluation time to auto, band, group and now but the result seems to be the same.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  3. You can set the markup of the text field to HTML so you could put a strong tag around the locations.

    "This is one variable: <strong>" + $F{grp} + "</strong>. This is another one <strong>"+ $F{MtmRv} + "</strong>. An the last one : <strong>"  + $F{MtmRa}+ "</strong> to check how it works depending on the length of each variable"
  4. A method I've used in dealing with this is using a relative path. While I may not know exactly where the subreport will be located on a machine, I do know what it is in relation to the main report so I could set the path to something like:



  5. No the cleanest way to do it but you could do something like:

    (F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 0 ?    "Jan" :    ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 1 ?        "Feb" :        ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 2 ?            "Mar" :            ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 3 ?                "Apr" :                ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 4 ?                    "May" :                    ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 5 ?                        "Jun" :                        ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 6 ?                            "Jul" :                            ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 7 ?                                "Aug" :                                ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 8 ?                                    "Sep" :                                    ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 9 ?                                        "Oct" :                                        ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 10 ?                                            "Nov" :                                            "Dec")))))))))))

    Post Edited by dnewsom at 07/20/2010 07:26
  6. We're currently working on updating our reports to use the table element that was introduced in 3.7.2. There was an enhancement in 3.7.3 to hide the columns which is awesome. I'm going through them now and as we're updating we need to have a condition to hide the table band. I couldn't see if there is currently a way to do that or if I should put in an enhancement.

    Post Edited by dnewsom at 07/19/2010 15:10
  7. I've used sub-reports in the title band on several occasions. The only thing I found is that to push down all information below it it does need to span then width of the main report.


    Looking at iReport 3.7.2 you may be able to use the new table element to setup the tabled information in a sub-dataset. I've only played with it so I may be wrong here, but it looks like it may give you the results your looking for.

  8. With iReport 3.7.2 it has the new feature of a table component as a response to request # 4177. In the request Lucian mentioned to each column has a print when that can be used to determine when that column would be shown. In playing with this new feature, I haven't been able to find a print when on any columns. Could someone explain where I should be looking on this table component for this capability or was it not developed for this release?

    Post Edited by dnewsom at 05/06/2010 19:00
  9. I've added a FirebirdSQL driver to the classpath and to the serverices. I am able to connect successfully when setting up a datasource using it and I can setup a database under services that connects. But when I run the report query I get "Error:NoClassDefFoundError!!Check you classpath!"

    I'm sort of at a loss for where to go as the classpath is there and the datasource test says connection successful. I am using iReport 3.5.2 as a stand-alone.

    Post Edited by dnewsom at 07/07/2009 13:50
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