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Posts posted by JSquire

  1. Are you using a hostname or IP address? if using a hostname check to see if you can resolve the name to an IP using nslookup or digg. otherwise try using the actual dbhost IP address.

    If it is a remote host you could have any number of issues like firewalls etc so check if you can connect to the db from your local machine e.g. from the command line run 'telnet [dbhostname or IP] [dbport]'. You should get something like this:

    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'

    That would indicate network access is available.


  2. is this a report you developed yourself? check the fields in the report are large enough to hold the data (height & length) - maybe set Stretch with overflow property on the field?

    to test try static text and see if you get the same result or try a sample report from the JasperReports project.

  3. so your file locations should then be in your classpath in which case just remove $P{BaseDir}

    so the expression class should be string and value="mysubreport.jasper"

    if you dont specify the location jasper will look in the same location as the parent report and if not found it will then search your class path.

  4. your statement looked correct to me so i checked with the java guru in our office .... he agrees it is correct so it's most likely that the value of $V{SUM_NET_ORDER_BY_MO_GRP7} is not actually zero.

    Can also try:

    ($V{SUM_NET_ORDER_BY_MO_GRP7}.intValue() > 0 ? ($F{NET_ORDER_N_7}/ $V{SUM_NET_ORDER_BY_MO_GRP7}) : " " )

  5. there are some samples under the jasperreports project:


    re casting - an int is not the same as an Integer and you have to ensure the data types from the database matches the java data types (or Expression Class property) you set on the fields in the report. If you get an int from the database but try to insert the data into an Integer type field you will get a class cast exception.

  6. Hi,


    iReport newbie and would appreciate any assistance.


    I am trying to fill a crosstab in my subreport summary band using a subdataset (query to mysql - default datasource).


    The subreport has parameters that I use in my subdataset query. In the crosstab properties I have:

    - selected "Use a dataset ....."

    - selected the subdataset I want from the drop down in the datasetrun.

    - defined the subreport parameters as input to the subdataset (with no default value)

    - used $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} connection expression to use the subreport data source.


    The report compiles and runs but the crosstab does not return any data and no errors. The query itself is fine cause I can run it as the report query (same input parms) instead of a subdataset and I get the data I want.


    Where am I going wrong?


    Do I need to define a separate datasource for the subdataset? Tried a few options but cant get the syntax right - can someone please post an example data source expression and how to configure it?


    Thanks in advance.

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