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Everything posted by Gaby38

  1. In fact this week-end I got a solution to my problem of drill-down. For the first question(previous post), I found an answer in this forum : I created "local" parameters in the crosstab and "mapped" them to the parameters of the main report. To say the truth, it was a little more complex, because in the crosstab I had to define an hypertext link with an URL containing these parameters. As far as they are strings, no problem. But I had also ListValues that are java collections and java doesn't want to cast them to strings. Fortunately, while testing and trying, I discovered a way : mapping first a collection parameter to an object parameter then this object to a string parameter but like this : stringparam= "" + objectparam If not empty chain it does not work !! Why? So, now, i can have a crosstab with hyperlinks defined on the 1st column titles which can call via URL and adequate parameters inside another report with crosstab relative to the level n-1. Certainly jasperanalisys would do that but not exactly with the same lay-out.I'll investigate later. Don't hesitate to post comments on my approach : I am not a java specialist ( I wrote perhaps 10 lines of Java in my professional life!!) so my approach is certainly quite crazy!!! But it was a good training to jasperreports, jasperserver and i-report
  2. Hi, I am a new user of JasperServer and want to call a jasper report from a previous one via an Hypertext link. I found the right way to do that on this forum but I have to send some of the first report parameters to the second .I cannot access these parameters when I am inside the crosstab of my first report (it's for drill-down). Can somebody help me or have a suggestion or advice? Thanks a lot for your help
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