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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. I am trying to do something very similar, except the subreports have embedded sql-queries. On their own the subreports work fine. Under the Master Report there's no output at all. Would you mind explaining a little more of what you did to get the subreports to execute or any ideas on how to see what's going on behind the scenes? Thank you. Niknar
  2. I am trying to do something very similar, except the subreports have embedded sql-queries. On their own the subreports work fine. Under the Master Report there's no output at all. Would you mind explaining a little more of what you did to get the subreports to execute or any ideas on how to see what's going on behind the scenes? Thank you. Niknar
  3. I'm a newbe and need some help. We generate a large number of reports for display in browsers. Users afterwards select the output format (pdf, rtf, ..., csv). We now wish to alter the csv report (after compilation, filling, & display) to have certain characteristics, ie IGNORE_PAGINATION. I've extened the flow & passed some objects to a new action bean mimic-ing EngineServiceImpl. I seem to be creating the desired output, but get a stack trace by requesting an IOStream when one's already been obtained for the initial request. I note that the ReportUnitRequest object has a place for both a print and a csvPrint object. Is there an overview of how to do this more cleanly somewhere, & how MainReports & jobs tie together?
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