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  1. We were using 4.1.1, however the issue seems to have been resolved in version 4.2. Please see my note in issue 0005138. This cam probably be closed.
  2. I just noticed 4.2.1 of Jasper Server was released on Tuesday. I downloaded it and ran my tests against that version and the issue seems to have been resolved.
  3. It seems that is issue still exists in 4.1.1 as well. Thinking this may in fact be a Groovy issue, I downloaded 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8 versions of Groovy (JR 4.1.1 uses 1.7) and created a very simple test in the console with the following: java.lang.Integer x = null; java.lang.Boolean y = (x == null); With the results as expected: groovy> java.lang.Integer x = null; groovy> java.lang.Boolean y = (x == null); groovy> println y; true The equivalent in JRXML results in y being null. Which leads me to believe that the interpretation from JRXML to Groovy may be where the issue lies.
  4. This is still an issue in 4.1.1. Seems to be isolated to numeric Objects like Integer and Double.
  5. I've run into an issue where having Organizations and connected to LDAP caused jasperadmin to stop working. For example. in the applicationContext-security.xml file I had the authentication manager pointing to LDAP and the DAO providers: <bean id="authenticationManager" class="org.springframework.security.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <ref local="ldapAuthenticationProvider"/> <ref bean="${bean.daoAuthenticationProvider}"/> </list> </property> </bean> I was able to login as my network user and the JasperAdmin user until I setup organizations. At that point on, any user who has admin porivilages that was not in Active Directory/LDAP was no longer able to login even if the organization was specified. However "joeuser" was able to login and the network users were also able to login. We're using 4.1.0
  6. If you remove isResetPageNumber="true", it should resolve the issue<group name="ClientGroup" isStartNewPage="true" isResetPageNumber="true"> [/code]
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