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Posts posted by lamontj

  1. Thank you very much for the information :)


    One last little question I have... I've discovered that you can generate a PDF directly from the URL by adding "&output=pdf" to the end of the URL. However, this seems to always open the report in a new window of Adobe Reader, rather than integrating reader into the browser as it does when you click the PDF link from the HTML report.


    Any way to get the PDF to open in the browser when you access it directly from the URL? I've checked Reader's and Internet Explorer's settings already, and they don't seem to be the problem.

  2. I have designed a report that changes the background colour of certain cells depending on certain conditions. To do this, I set the field containing the value to be transparent, and then place another field with the desired background colur behind it, and only have the coloured be displayed when certain conditions are met.


    I designed this report in iReport 2.0.4, and when I run the report on JasperServer 2.1 from within iReport using the plugin, the colours appear properly. However, when I run the report on JasperServer through a web browser, the colours do not show up at all.


    Is there any reason why the colour would not be working in the web browser? Does JasperServer not support transparency when generating HTML reports? Is there a way to generate a URL that would point directly to the PDF version of the report, rather than the HTML version? (this would be the ideal solution)

  3. Is there any way to pass a Username/Password to JapserServer to remove the need for a user to enter this information manually? Preferably, I would not want to change how these credentials are authenticated - that is already handled properly. I have an application that will open up JasperServer in a browser, and I would like to skip the JasperServer login page.

    Is there a way I can pass such credentials through the URL, or is there another way this is generally done.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. I may be missing something very obvious, but I am helplessly stuck trying to add a JavaBeans set data source in iReport.


    In iReport, I go to the Data menu > Connections/Data Source. I click "New" and pick a JavaBeans set data source. The default classpath (it.businesslogic.ireport.connection.SampleJRDataSourceFactory) test fine, but when I change it to anything else, I get a ClassNotFoundError.


    I imagine it has to do with where I'm saving my Java files. I've read through the documentation and done some searching but I can't seem to find exactly where I'm supposed to save the files, or which files I'm supposed to save (.java, .class, .jar or something else). So far I've tried saving the files in many different places, and have been sure to include the whole class path (pacakges and all) but nothing has worked.


    So my questions are, where am I supposed to save the Java files within iReport, what files am I supposed to save (.java, .class, .jar etc), and, if I am supposed to make a .jar file, do I include all my classes in one .jar package, or should each class be in a separate .jar file?


    Many thanks :)

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