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Everything posted by jlopes151

  1. The list of available fonts is different between what is in iReport and a PDF. Is there a way to add to the PDF list?
  2. I ran the build script at the top level folder using the default target. Double clcked the swf file and got the following a dialog stated the application requires a version of AIR that is nolonger supported. The is there shouldhave been an html file along with the swf that is used to execute the app. SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file file:///C|/jasperreports%2Dflash%2D3.0.0/dist/jasperreports%2Dflash%2D3.0.0.swf cannot access local resource file:///C|/jasperreports%2Dflash%2D3.0.0/dist/null&page=0. Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources. at flash.net::URLStream/load() at flash.net::URLLoader/load() at net.sf.jasperreports.flex.view::Viewer/loadPage() at net.sf.jasperreports.flex.view::Viewer/set url() at Main/init() at Main/___Main_Application1_creationComplete() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent() at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent() at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized() at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation() at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply() at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2() at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()
  3. I'm getting a blank PDF frame. The report is a simple 'Hello World' just a line of text. No errors during the build. Using Tomcat 6, JasperReports 3.0 the Tomcat server window shows the .jasper file loaded Any thoughts.
  4. In your <context>-servlet.xml you should have a bean with an id of publicUrlMapping that has a property of 'mapping' that has a child of 'props' who has a child 'prop' that has as an attribute key that has been assigned the value key="simpleReport". This bean and key are used to locate the .jasper file. Let me know if you get it to work as I have gotten a blank PDF view. I have no datasource just a 'HelloWorld' type report.
  5. Your demo dosen't work. It compiles but you get an error stating the demo was built with an older version of Flash contact the author.
  6. Goto it here's what I did Use a frame for your table rows, insert the table fields into the frame. From the main menu select Format > Styles in the Styles dialog there should be the default style. Select it then click modify. Leave the Default condition, click the Add button. In the expression editor pane enter the following: new Boolean($F{ROWNUM}.intValue() % 2 == 0). The ROWNUN field is available in any RDBMS table so don’t worry. All you need to do is the set the bgcolor and ADD another style to the default for the alternate condition as in new Boolean($F{ROWNUM}.intValue() % 2 != 0) Select the row frame in the Document Structure pane, select the frames properties, uncheck the Transparent checkbox, make sure the style is set to the default_frame and that the “Print repeated values†checkbox is checked. That’s it
  7. I found that if I setup a style I can alter the bgcolor of a field but not a frame.
  8. What I want ot do is change the color of a row depending upon the row number being odd or even. even = blue odd = white
  9. I have a chart in an iReport and I want to know how iReport puts the image into a PDF. Looking at the jrxml and the .java code I thing iReport regenerates the image during the generation of the PDF. True/False Either way hows it done, were's the code that does it. I need to add an image that's not available.
  10. The book describes how to create a plugin for iReport. It is missing the setName() method in the abstract class iReportPlugin. The document also make reference to a MainFrame class but make no attempt to describe this class.
  11. I want to add a third party library or add JavaScript that makes use of images.
  12. Is there a certain area were I can't/can put a chart? I'm trying to put a chart in the pageheader. I only get the scale and labels no data. If I put the same chart in the summary I get everything. ???#$%@
  13. I'm getting ErrorÂfillingÂprint...ÂErrorÂevaluatingÂexpressionÂ: ÂÂÂÂSourceÂtextÂ:ÂnewÂDouble("1.2.3") java.lang.NumberFormatException:ÂmultipleÂpoints ÂÂÂÂatÂsun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(UnknownÂSource) It seems the chart will only accept whole numbers 3,33,2,1 etc..
  14. Anyone know of a plug-in for iReport that can produce a ProgressBar?
  15. I'm trying to compare the string "X" to the string in $F{RESPONSE}. The equals method compares the object not the data within the object.
  16. I have a field that gets set with a string "X" or "V". I want to change the bg color of a frame based upon the condition. iReport displays the below statement as a valid expression but in red. new Boolean((($F{RESPONSE}.compareTo( "X" )) == 1 ) ? true : false)
  17. Never mind I didn't aling to the right.;) ;) ;)
  18. Ok I'll explain; In iReport I have set an image with in a frame. I have set the image to the far right of the frame, meaning the right edge of the image, is at the right edge of the frame. When I generate a PDF file the image is indented to the left leaving a gap between the right edge of the image and frame. Thanks for the help
  19. Ohh basic css. Didn't know I could do JavaScript in iReport. Thanks for the help. I have another problem I'll put in a new thread.
  20. If the value of a field changes is there a way to change the color of the fields back ground color or even another fields back ground color?
  21. The query was the problem. Thanks on to the next annoying thing. I'll set it as a new thread.
  22. The query was the problem. Thanks on to the next annoying thing. I'll set it as a new thread.
  23. Ok, looks like I gave a poor explaination of the problem. What I get is blank rows. So I get a row of data then several blank rows then a row of data. I'm going to take a look at my query to see if there is a problem with my resultset. row of data ... ... ... ... ... row of data
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