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Everything posted by llaconde

  1. size=261]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/chronographe2.PNG Post edited by: llaconde, at: 2008/01/24 15:50
  2. Hello everybody, I'm looking for an information for my customer: Are there other charts available than the 20 that are already in iReport? I haven't found in the documentation anything on that. And also, and that is really the big question, is it possible to do a chronograph? (see the attached document) Thank you in advance, LL
  3. Hi everybody, I'm new in ireport. I've bougth the documentation but I don't manage to print a date in my report. I've already manage to print a variable in my report that I have declared in my java class like this: parameters.put("City", "PARIS"); and in my report creating a "parameter" called $P{City}. How do I do to do the same with a date? Thank you in advance. LL
  4. Hi, thank you for the page but I don't see where it can help me because my settings are well set. If you have any idea, thank you in advance. LL.
  5. Hello everybody, I'm a new user of Ireport and I have problems of slowness when i'm using it. For example, when I compile I have to wait 20-30 seconds. The same when I click on open a file or save a file. My computer have 2Giga of RAM so I don't think that is the problem. Does anybody has got an idea? ps: sorry for my english, I'm french ;)
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