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Posts posted by mhbashar1

  1. VERY MANY THNX Brother.BUt brother the problem is with the Static textfields beside the textfields which are below the particular texfield.These fields are not moved below.I have also a subreport which I want to act likewise.Brother could u plss be kind to hava a look at my attached report and make necessary changes if needed.


    Thanx. [file name=MyReport.jar size=3839]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/MyReport.jar[/file]

  2. ohhh..yes I got it,not the "position type" property of particular textfield but all the textfields below it.VERY MANY THNX Brother.BUt brother the problem is with the Static textfields beside the textfields which are below the particular texfield.These fields are not moved below.I have also a subreport which I want to act likewise.Brother could u plss be kind to hava a look at my attached report and make necessary changes if needed.



    Post edited by: mhbashar1, at: 2008/01/15 18:52

    Post edited by: mhbashar1, at: 2008/01/15 18:56

  3. Is there any limitation in any band in Ireport.I mean can my data be of any length in any band.

    I have a report like the following-

    Name- Tanvir

    Address- Humayun Road,300

    Particulars- This is a lengthy particular



    Now the problem is these are in detail band and the textfield of "Particulars" can hold large amount of data

    so,I set/checked-stretch with overflow property.Now,If the data in this field is large,then the textfield stretches below and overlaps all the other field below it.But I want all the fields(below particulars) to go lower and lower (if needed in another page) according to

    the stretching of particular field.I m trying to give an example below-

    Name- Tanvir [start of page 1]

    Address- Humayun Road,300

    Particulars- This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular [end of page 1]

    This is a lengthy particular [start of page 2]

    This is a lengthy particular


    Otherfields- [onwards the same way]

  4. Is there any limitation in any band in Ireport.I mean can my data be of any length in any band.

    I have a report like the following-

    Name- Tanvir

    Address- Humayun Road,300

    Particulars- This is a lengthy particular



    Now the problem is these are in detail band and the textfield of "Particulars" can hold large amount of data

    so,I set/checked-stretch with overflow property.Now,If the data in this field is large,then the textfield stretches below and overlaps all the other field below it.But I want all the fields(below particulars) to go lower and lower (if needed in another page) according to

    the stretching of particular field.I m trying to give an example below-

    Name- Tanvir [start of page 1]

    Address- Humayun Road,300

    Particulars- This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular

    This is a lengthy particular [end of page 1]

    This is a lengthy particular [start of page 2]

    This is a lengthy particular


    Otherfields- [onwards the same way]

  5. Brother I think u've already answered my question.By this-

    How can I show my entire textfield with value on such condition.

    I wanted to mean that depending on the passing text value("Sometext"),I want to show/hide my textfield.Actually I want to put a border around my textfield,then if $F{Field0815} matches "Sometext" the textfield will be shown,otherwise the textfield will not be shown.Can I do it?

  6. I've found the only way I can compile the scriptlets from within IReport is to put the "tools.jar" file from a JDK install into the IReports "lib" folder.

    I also did the same thing but the problem is- it can't name scriptlet class as I put in the scriptlet editor.This is what i did-

    1.Copy and paste of "tools.jar" from jdk ins. to IReports "lib" folder.

    2.Make a report and save it as Test.jrxml.

    3.Going to Edit>scriptlet editor,I just change the name into "Test" in both class and constructor and save it.

    4.Compile it and I got the following error-

    Compiling scriptlet source file... D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectReportDemoTestScriptlet.java
    Errors compiling D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectReportDemoTestScriptlet.java.
    D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectReportDemoTestScriptlet.java:4: class Test is public, should be declared in a file named Test.java public class Test extends it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet {

    I noticed that in my report folder there is file created named-

    TestScriptlet.java.Whatever name I gave my scriplet class in scriptlet editor,I get a java file in report folder adding the word-"Scriptlet" with the name I put in scriptlet editor.

    What is the problem.I also get "scriptletClass="TestScriptlet" in Edit>XML source file.If I change it to "Test" only and save it and reload the report and again going to this file I get the same name-"scriptletClass="TestScriptlet" .ITS GEETING ON MY NERVE NOW.Brother can u pls help me.

    One more thing -can I just compile the report anywhere else and put that compiled file in the report folder,will it work?

  7. mhbashar1 wrote:

    2.) PrintWhenExpression is an expression of ANY Element to show/print it or not (so WHETER a field - or better an element - is printed).
    if the expression returns true it will be printed otherwise it won't be printed

    According to u,if I put this-

    new Boolean($F{Field0815}.equals("SomeText")) in the PrintWhenExpression, does it mean that if the "SomeText" matches with $F{Field0815},only then the textfiled will be shown? IS IT SO? How can I show my entire textfield with value on such condition.

  8. I hava directory structure likethe following=


    MyProject (Root)




    Report and image folder is in MyProject folder.Report folder consists of main.jasper and subreport.jasper file.Now Can anybody pls tell me what path to set SUBREPORT_DIR for the subreport to be displayed.I tried the following-

    1. "subreport.jasper" [only the subreport name bcos of the same folder]

    2. "./Report/subreport.jasper"

    3. "/Report/subreport.jasper"

    4. "Reportsubreport.jasper"

    5. "..Reportsubreport.jasper"


    When I run from the iRreport using the above String of 1,4,5,it works well but when I run it from my application which is in MyProject folder,subreport isn't shown.WHAT PATH TO SET as String?

  9. I hava directory structure likethe following=


    MyProject (Root)




    Report and image folder is in MyProject folder.Report folder consists of main.jasper and subreport.jasper file.Now Can anybody pls tell me what path to set SUBREPORT_DIR for the subreport to be displayed.I tried the following-

    1. "subreport.jasper" [only the subreport name bcos of the same folder]

    2. "./Report/subreport.jasper"

    3. "/Report/subreport.jasper"

    4. "\Report\subreport.jasper"

    5. "..\Report\subreport.jasper"


    When I run from the iRreport using the above String of 1,4,5,it works well but when I run it from my application whicj is in MyProject folder,subreport isn't shown.WHAT PATH TO SET as String?

  10. 3. Make sure the class name matches the class name you created. If not then change it and save the file. Then reload the report in IReport.

    Brother I also had the same problem as u had.But when I change the name,save it and reload the report,amazingly after reloading the report, the class name isn't changed.It goes back to the earlier name.I tried several times but I can't change the name.IS it a bug?

  11. Very many thanx brother.Brother can u tell me what to write in textfield expression if I want to set/unset its border dynamically depending upon some condition,I mean suppose - $P{name}!=null then set the border of textfield.And Can I put more than one if()condition in the expression (not nested).Thnx again.
  12. I cant open my subreport using relative path.My master report and subreports are in the same directory(folder-Report),so I used only the name of my subreports in subreport expression.if I run my master report from iReport,subreports are shown well BUT if I run the report from my java app. no report is shown.The code i used in my app is-

    //only the required portion of code is shown
    String report="./Report/MasterMemo.jasper";
    HashMap <String,String> map=new HashMap<String,String>();
    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportFile, map, jdbcConnection);

    Can anybody tell pls me how to solve the problem?

  13. I cant open my subreport using relative path.My master report and subreports are in the same directory(folder-Report),so I used only the name of my subreports in subreport expression.if I run my master report from iReport,subreports are shown well BUT if I run the report from my java app. no report is shown.The code i used in my app is-

    //only the required portion of code is shown
    String report="./Report/MasterMemo.jasper";
    HashMap <String,String> map=new HashMap<String,String>();
    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportFile, map, jdbcConnection);

    Can anybody tell pls me how to solve the problem?

  14. I have two subreports in my master report.In my master report in SUBREPORT_DIR parameter I set- "./"

    as dfault parameter(I use winXP) bcause my subreports are in the same directory where the master report is(folder-Report).When I run the master report from iReport all works very well.But the problem is when I run the report from my application it says-subreport not found at directory"./Report/subreport.jasper" I just pass the name of my master report(along with path name) from my application with other required parameter for

    JasperFillManager.fillReport() method.But if I give the the full pathname of my subreports in SUBREPORT_DIR,it works well but its not possible(and recommended) always to set the pathname of my subreport.can anybody help me out?

  15. I have two subreports in my master report.In my master report in SUBREPORT_DIR parameter I set- "./"

    as dfault parameter(I use winXP) bcause my subreports are in the same directory where the master report is(folder-Report).When I run the master report from iReport all works very well.But the problem is when I run the report from my application it says-subreport not found at directory"./Report/subreport.jasper" I just pass the name of my master report(along with path name) from my application with other required parameter for

    JasperFillManager.fillReport() method.But if I give the the full pathname of my subreports in SUBREPORT_DIR,it works well but its not possible(and recommended) always to set the pathname of my subreport.can anybody help me out?

  16. Brother I also tried with both java compiler and jasperReports default but it didn't work.One more amazing thing is if I open TextScriptlet.jrxml file after compiling the errors says-

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectReportDemoTestScriptletScriptlet.java but I named the scriptlet- TestScriptlet in Scriptlet expression editor as my code above in earlier post.Where is the problem?

  17. I made a report-TestScriptlet.jrxml .In Scriptlet expression editor(iReport 2.0.2) my code is-

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;
    public class TestScriptlet extends it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet {
    /** Creates a new instance of JRIreportDefaultScriptlet */
    public TestScriptlet() {

    public String hello(){ return "HELLO WORLD" }

    Then I selected "use internal scriptlet" in report property.Then I added the folder(in Options>classpath)where this Scriptlet file(TestScriptlet.java) and TestScriptlet.jrxml is created.Then in a textfield expression I wrote this-"

    $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.hello()" but I got the following error-


    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectReportDemoTestScriptletScriptlet.java


    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.tools.javac.Main

    Can anubody tell me wher is the problem.How does the name of my Scriptlet uses TestScriptletScriptlet.java when I gave it TestScriptlet in Scriptlet editor?

  18. I m a newbie.Can anybody tell me how to create scriptlet.I tried but it didnt work.I use iReport 2.0.2.What I did was-first going to Edit>Scriptlet editor,I write the following code-

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;
    public class Utility extends it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet {

    /** Creates a new instance of JRIreportDefaultScriptlet */
    public Utility() {
    public String getText()
    return "Hello world";

    Then I saw that a java file named DemoScriptlet.java is created where I saved my report file.But if I name the class- Utility,then how did iReport name it-DemoScriptlet.java.?Then I first wrote-

    " new Utility().getText()" in the expression editor of a text field,then I wrote "$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.getText()" but none worked,it says-

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectMemoRmiReportDemoScriptlet.java

    Where was my problem,Can anybody give me a clear idea about SCRIPTLET pls

  19. I m a newbie.Can anybody tell me how to create scriptlet.I tried but it didnt work.I use iReport 2.0.2.What I did was-first going to Edit>Scriptlet editor,I write the following code-

    import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*;
    public class Utility extends it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportScriptlet {

    /** Creates a new instance of JRIreportDefaultScriptlet */
    public Utility() {
    public String getText()
    return "Hello world";

    Then I saw that a java file named DemoScriptlet.java is created where I saved my report file.But if I name the class- Utility,then how did iReport name it-DemoScriptlet.java.?Then I first wrote-

    " new Utility().getText()" in the expression editor of a text field,then I wrote "$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}.getText()" but none worked,it says-

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error compiling report java source files : D:Documents and SettingsTonuMy DocumentsMyProjectMemoRmiReportDemoScriptlet.java

    Where was my problem,Can anybody give me a clear idea about SCRIPTLET pls

  20. put the string splitting code in a separate utility class that is part of your application and make direct method calls to it in the report expression

    I don't know how to make an utility class and calling it in the expression.I m a newbie, can u pls help me giving any tutorial on making class or anything else to know it.

  21. put all that code in an utility class and make direct method calls to it from the report exp

    I don't know how to make an utility class and calling it in the expression.I m newbie, can u pls help me giving any tutorial on making class or anything else to know it.

  22. Is there any way to iterate through a loop in expression editor? I want to iterate through a String(delimited by comma) to show different part of the string in different way.But the problem is the part of the string is not known.Is there any way for looping in Ireport
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