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  1. We are trying to find a way for users to submit a report to run and save the output for later viewing. We have jasper reports working fine, but the user has to wait for the server to return the PDF output to the browser. We have a number of reports that run off a proprietary database structure which is not normalized and cannot be written using a query. We have to query the db multiple times, building our own datasource. This takes time, currently ~45-60 seconds for the smallest, and up to 5 min for the largest. Is it possible to run as a Thread? If so, how, or does anyone have a sample? I have the thread mostly done with our code to build the datasource, but I can't figure out how to run the report and save the output from there.
  2. Like having a datasource which is employee. There's the usual fields, first, last, SSN, etc. then an ArrayList<String> of the departments? Jasper will just print the list for $F{departments}?
  3. I am writing a report that will show data from our HR DB. It's 1-page-per-employee and I want to show multiple one-to-many results per employee (payroll deductions, departments, dependents, etc.). Each employee can have 0 or more for each. We pass a custom datasource to the reports since we inject our own user security into the report queries. The basic query, with our security tacked on later, would be something like: Select ee.firstName, ee.lastName, dept.name, ded.name, ded.amount, dep.name,dep.relationship From employee ee Left Join employeeDepartment edept on ee.ee_id = edept.ee_id Left Join department dept on dept.dept_id = edept.dept_id Left join employeeDeduction eded on ee.ee_id = eded.ee_id Left join deduction ded on eded.ded_id = ded.ded_id Left join dependent dep on ee.ee_id = dep.ee_id We have a generic report engine that generates the datasources but I can create a new action for this particular report if needed.How might I accomplish this? Thanks, Traigo
  4. I have a single page report that displays information pertaining to a work order. I want to define an area to display the jobs associated with this work order. It can be a fixed size and show only the descriptions of those that will fit. There shouldn't be more than 2 or 3 anyway. I have a workOrder object which has a List<Job> for the jobs and a client object that has the information about the related client. The workOrder object has all the information about this workOrder and workOrder.jobs contains the list of all the jobs. So far I've only been displaying single record items. How can I display the items from the jobs list?
  5. I had a similar issue about a year ago. Can't remember exactly how I fixed it, but it had to do with where I placed that border line. I think I had to set a fixed size page footer and include the line at the top of the page footer along with my other information (where you have the return policy). Hope it helps.
  6. I am using NetBeans 6.1, iReport 2 and JasperReports 2.0.5. I have a report that works fine to PDF if I include the whole URL to the image: new URL("http://localhost:8081/images/logo.gif"). When I deploy to the dev server, it is http://devserver:8888/PROJECT/images/logo.gif. When we deploy to the prod server, it will be on a completely different intranet. How can I use a relative URL or can I have Java generate the URL? If it's easy to pass as a param from Java, that would be the best thing. Thanks, Traigo
  7. I changed pom.xml to include a dependency for jasper on iText 1.3.1 from com.lowagie. Is there somewhere else that I'm missing? I've looked at the source for iText and the method is there, no typos. It's like jasper is has 1.3 cached somewhere and it will not use anything else.
  8. No luck. Still having the same problem after going back to 1.3.1
  9. When using iText 2.1.4 and Jasperreports 3.1.0 I'm getting an error running a report to PDF that has an image: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.Image.getPlainWidth()F
  10. I upgraded to iText 2.1.4 (most recent). Using maven to resolve dependencies. The repositories only have version 1.3. I'm still getting the error though.
  11. Code: I am getting an error when trying to run reports to pdf with images. Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.lowagie.text.Image.getScaledWidth()F We found this, but not sure how to proceed: http://jasperforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2635&group_id=102&atid=612 Can anyone help us fix this? We are using NetBeans 6.1, Hibernate, Maven, Struts2, GlassFish2 Product Version: NetBeans IDE 6.1 (Build 200805300101) Java: 1.6.0_07; Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM 10.0-b23 System: Linux version 2.6.24-21-generic running on amd64; UTF-8; en_US (nb) JasperReports 3.1.2 iText 1.3 (don't know how to upgrade to most recent 2.4.2) Post Edited by Kyle Manuel at 11/23/08 05:47
  12. I'm a long-time crystal report writer moving to jasper for our web reports. I'm using iReport 2.0.1 and Eclipse (with jrxml plugin) to create/edit reports. In crystal, I was able to create multiple detail bands, like detail a, detail b, etc. I could then suppress the whole band with an expression. I have a report now that I need to print details for a group of columns in one case, and a completely different set of columns in another case. Is it possible to create multiple detail bands and how or is there another method? Right now, the only thing I can think of is to overlay the fields and set each to print when their respective case is true. I don't want extra blank lines in the report. Thanks, Traigo
  13. Thanks! That worked great! I also added "&& $F{ADDRESS2}.length() != 0" to catch a few non-null zero-length strings.
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