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Posts posted by san25

  1. Hi,


    How can i show no_data in reports when query does not return any value/emty row.


    I have used All section no detail property,but still not comming.please suggest how can i do?

  2. Hi, i want to show no data when report query returns no data.


    I have done All section,no detail,but for this blank page is coming with column header.


    please suggest how to doi it

  3. 1. Does Jasper server use any type of virtualizer by default? If yes, which one does it use?


    2. How do we configure/customize the parameters of virtualizer, if any, in Jasper server? For example, we want to set the initial page size, initial batch size of records etc for the virtualizer used by Jasper server.




    3.How to get Jasper Server Configuration Guide?

  4. How can i increase the size of a textField according to length of the data it will show.


    Suppose I have a textfield of size 10 which can show upto 10 characters length data,if the length of data increases size of the textfield should increase to show the whole data.


    If there is other way to do it.please suggest.A sample example will be very helpful.


    Thanks in Advance!!!

  5. I am working with Jasper server based reports in my current application. Since have a huge dataset of more than 500,000 records that are returned from DB2 database, the Jasper print object that got generated is pretty big (around 1.63GB). When I tried to show the report in Jasper viewer, it throws OutOfMemoryException on windows desktop. I do not have the privilege of increasing the JVM heap space, according to the available physical memory. Hence, I came up with an idea of configuring the virtualizer that the Jasper server uses, if any, so that I can ask the Jasper server to give me only 5 pages of records every time. We needed your help in knowing how to do this job.




    1. Does Jasper server use any type of virtualizer by default? If yes, which one does it use?


    2. How do we configure/customize the parameters of virtualizer, if any, in Jasper server? For example, we want to set the initial page size, initial batch size of records etc for the virtualizer used by Jasper server.






    Please respond as quickly as possible.


    Thanks In Advance!!!

  6. I am working with Jasper server based reports in my current application. Since have a huge dataset of more than 500,000 records that are returned from DB2 database, the Jasper print object that got generated is pretty big (around 1.63GB). When I tried to show the report in Jasper viewer, it throws OutOfMemoryException on windows desktop. I do not have the privilege of increasing the JVM heap space, according to the available physical memory. Hence, I came up with an idea of configuring the virtualizer that the Jasper server uses, if any, so that I can ask the Jasper server to give me only 5 pages of records every time. We needed your help in knowing how to do this job.




    1. Does Jasper server use any type of virtualizer by default? If yes, which one does it use?


    2. How do we configure/customize the parameters of virtualizer, if any, in Jasper server? For example, we want to set the initial page size, initial batch size of records etc for the virtualizer used by Jasper server.






    Please respond as quickly as possible.


    Thanks In Advance!!!

  7. Hi, I am trying to export report into excel but its not working.

    i have implemented virtualizer as it is a huge report but while doing export to xls,its not working....


    i have set IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET to false also.


    virtualizer is generating swap file but xls sheet is blank showing 0 kb.


    Please help need help on this........

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