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Everything posted by arianhojat

  1. I was wondering if this is possible. Let me just say i am very new to JasperReports. We have a standalone tomcat server running JasperServer on machine1:8080 Then we have our regular intranet on apache running on machine2(:80). Possibility 1: Clicking on a 'Reports' link on a webpage (webpage stored on machine2) transfers browser to machine1 but keep the 'design' looking the same, so it seems to the user that he hasnt left that section of intranet. and on that landing page (pretend a jsp in /webapps/embeddedReports directory on machine1), embed a jasper report stored on same machine (machine1, aka tomcat server). So can another tomcat app stored on machine1, show a report in the machine1's /webapps/jasperserver? I was hoping I could load a local .jrxml(like in jasper's demo/samples/webapp example does), but load a jrxml file that JasperServer has in its repository. cant seem to find where JasperServer does this. .../apache-tomcat/jasperserver/where/is/repository/reports/samples/SalesByMonth.jrxml file. I tried finding where the repository actually stores reports you create. If anyone can guide me through this above steps, my soul belongs to you. (If prefer to do the above, but i am less knowledgeable about how to approach the possibility below and above one seems easier if u want to skip this paragraph and answer #1.) Possibility 2: is it possible to embed a jasper report stored in machine1:8080's jasperserver in a webpage on machine1? I was looking at examples and best example i saw was in demosampleswebapp. But that used a local jrxml file. This would be a jrxml file on another machine, I'm not even sure if its possible that an applet on another machine could even access it.
  2. Just started looking at jasperreports today and was wondering if followings is true... you can deploy a report without jasperserver, you just need java app to open a report or tomcat to deploy a report on web as applet/servlet. Correct? So JasperServer isnt needed unless... you want to enhance jasperreports with anaylsis/graphs and/or assign roles to reports, right?
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