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Posts posted by jackh

  1. First, thank you for that detailed explanation, which makes total sense. I tried this, and it still doesn't work, so perhaps it is a bug? I turned up the logging as you suggested and I see lines like this:


    WARN ExternalUserSetupProcessor,http-bio-80-exec-7:258 - External role PRL_INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY has forbidden characters according to permittedExternalRoleNameRegex: [A-Za-z0-9_\s]+


    As you can see the "\s" is in there. Any other thoughts?


    Thank you!


    - Jack

  2. Hello -

    Recently we moved from Jasper Pro to CE.  We installed the latest CE (Product Version: 5.1.0 Build: 20130508_1313) and followed the instructions in the Authentication Cookbook (which is nearly identical to what we had done in the pro version, but in a new single file).  We can now authenticate and sync roles to users to our Active Directory.  However, not all roles sync - a role with spaces in the name, such as "Software Development" or "NJ Management" does NOT come over to Jasper, while a role such as "SoftwareDevelopment" without the space comes over fine.

    Any ideas how we can resolve this issue?  It was working fine in the pro version.

    Thanks for any assistance.

       - Jack

  3. Hi everyone -

    We've been using Jasper for several years, and for the past 3 years have been using the pro suite.  Our license is expiring, and as of now I cannot justify the huge cost of renewing, as we use very few pro features (no multi-tenacity, very few adhoc reports, etc.)

    However, we have TONS of reports, all built in iReport, many scheduled, that are deployed to the live server.

    Is there a downgrade path to move back to Community Edition?  Will my reports built in iReport Pro open in iReport Community?  Are there any gotchas I should be aware of?

    thanks for any assistance!

      - Jack

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