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Posts posted by mfassbender

  1. I have developed some reports with iReport 2.0.1 which use barcode fields (Code128 option). Within iReport they work fine. Now I have transferred the reports to my application together with the iReport.jar file. When running, I get the following exception:

    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: it/businesslogic/ireport/barcode/BcImage (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

    Can anyone please tell me which is the supported version or how I could fix the problem?


    Best regards mfassbender

  2. Yes it does, using conditional styles. Create a style for the normal values and a condition within this style for the outliers. Give the latter the appropriate condition (like new Boolean($F(MyValue).intValue() > 10) ) (also several different conditions with different effects are allowed). The conditions are evaluated in the given sequence and so you can for example override a font or color setting.
  3. With the version 2.0.1 of Jasper the usage of a master style template is supported (see template example in the download archive).

    iReport 2.0.1 is supposed to support this new (and very welcome) feature.

    Trying this out I found the following:

    Within iReport the styles of the style template are not visible (1) in the style library and (2) in the field properties, style combo. These styles can therefore not be assigned.

    When one of these styles is assigned manually in the jrxml-file to a field, then it appears at the two locations mentioned above.

    For me this seems to be a bug. Could anyone please verify this - thanks

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