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Everything posted by bentong

  1. is it possible to use more than 5 variables in values expression in a chart?
  2. i figured it out but still got an error heres my sample query: SELECT PRJ.DTAPPROVED AS CSRIS_PRJ_M_DTAPPROVED FROM CSRIS_PRJ_M PRJ where prj.dtapproved >=$P!{dateFrm} and prj.dtapproved >$P!{dateTo} order by PRJ.DTAPPROVED heres my error: error:sql problems:missing in or out parameter at index
  3. sample query: select * prj.dtapproved from table prj where (prj.dtapproved >=$P{dateFrm} AND prj.dtapproved <$P{dateFrm})
  4. how to set parameters in report query? can anyone help me
  5. can anyone help me to solve this problem? if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 0, "Jan", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 1, "Feb", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 2, "Mar", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 3, "Apr", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 4, "May", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 5, "Jun", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 6, "Jul", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 7, "Aug", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 8, "Sep", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 9, "Oct", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 10, "Nov", if ($F{CSRIS_PRJ_M_ENDDT}.getMonth == 11, "Dec"))))))))))))
  6. hi!! my problem is, i want to get the average transaction = TOTAl / no of days from Starting Date to End Date variable name<name> variable class type<java.lang.long> reset type<none> calculation type<average> increment type<none> variable expression new Long(($F{total}.longValue() / new Long(($P{toDt}.getTime() - $P{fromDt}.getTime())/1000/60/60/24).longValue())) thanks in advance :(
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