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Posts posted by vaishnav_piyush

  1. Hi all !!

    I've created a few jasper reports using iReports. The developement of templates was initially done on Windows Platform. Now, these templates are being used to generate reports on a linux server.


    The problem here is that, on linux platform the report is not generated properly, but with a smaller width, so that the lines are overwriting each other.


    What's the solution ??

    Post edited by: vaishnav_piyush, at: 2007/11/21 04:38

  2. Hi all !!


    i've created a report in which a textfield expression is displayed inside a rectangle (graphics element).

    The textField is set to "stretchWithOverFlow = true".


    I want the size of rectangle to increase, and enlarge enough to accomodate the new expanded size of text field.


    Can somebody help me with this...



  3. Hi all !!


    i want to create a hyperlink in jasper report (to be viewed as pdf in IE) and set its target to "javascript:history.go(-1)".


    Currently i've set

    hyperlink target = blank

    hyperlink type = reference

    hyperlink expression = "" onclick = 'javascript:hisory.go(-1)'


    but this not working.



    can somebody suggest me a solution..

  4. Hi all !!


    I've a jasper report which i display as pdf in any browser such as IE as part of a web application.

    When displayed in browser, the whole server path of the report is displayed in the title bar. Due to security concerns i could not display the server path of the report in title bar. Instead i wish to display any title.


    how can i do this...



  5. Hi all !!


    i want to create a hyperlink in jasper report (to be viewed as pdf in IE) and set its target to "javascript:history.go(-1)".


    Currently i've set

    hyperlink target = blank

    hyperlink type = reference

    hyperlink expression = "" onclick = 'javascript:hisory.go(-1)'


    but this not working.



    can somebody suggest me a solution..

  6. Thanks you lucianc.... the solution to my problem that you suggested worked wonders... thanks again


    it is so amazing to know that i had set almost 2 days trying different things to solve my problem and the solution was so easy.


    can you do me one more favour... please suggest me some good reading material on developing jasper reports using ireport... i surfed the material readily available but didn't think that it is good enough to give one conceptual knowledge on jasper reports

  7. Hi !!


    I am a new user to Jasper Reports, and i am caught with a serious problem in my project.


    I have a report template in which i've created two subreports, placed one below the other in detail band. I've set "split allowed = true" for the detail band and "isStretchWithOverflow = true" for both the subreports. But when the contents in upper subreport overflows, it overwrites the contents of the lower subreport. Is there any method to dyanamically shift down the lower report if the contents of first subreport overflows.


    I'm also having a similar problem with text fields where i need to dyanamically shift down the contents of a text field if the contents of report part above it expands.

    [file name=medicalRecordMain.jrxml size=22470]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/medicalRecordMain.jrxml[/file]

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