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Posts posted by haravallabhan

  1. I think the i report is an IDE fro developers to generate jrxml files and all those filter parameters should be handled smoothly by jasperserver by adding input controls to the report Unit and showing up as web based reports.


    This is said just because there was a end user involvment in your query.


    Excuse me if I am not up to your point of view.

  2. Hi,


    I have a problem in displaying a Chart. I created a line plot Chart using ireport with name against a count. The count will not be in decimals and it will be some integer. But since there were some odd numbers in the counts the chart is showing up decimal values in the Y axis. Though the count is a perfect integer it misleads the user, as if the counts are in the decimal.


    Is there a way to handle the axis labels and set a specific interval? So that it wont show the decimal values.


    Thanks in Advance


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