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Posts posted by brygrove

  1. I do have that on, but the issue is that will only work if there is group content on every page... the problem is that there is no group content the group expression is set to blank.

    So repeating a group style page header on every page is not possible with that setup you suggested.


    What group expression would you use to enforce the group page header to repeat on every page ?

  2. Page Header can only have one band. This has forced me to attempt making a group repeat on every page.

    Does any one know how to do this ? I have tried to use the group expression of PAGE_NUMBER variable but I can only see the group header content on the first page and the second page doesnt display the group header content ( I have also turned on the flag reprint header ).

    I really need this to work since I have a subreport that is displayed on every page and it needs to be in its own band.

  3. My VM is


    java version "1.6.0_15"
    Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03)
    Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.1-b02, mixed mode)

    I suppose the HotSpot makes it a Open JDK ? I am using the server vm and not the client ... maybe that is the reason.

    thanks for the tip hopefully I can improve things.

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