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Posts posted by hithereeveryone

  1. That's a step, but how do you prevent aggregation? My facts are descriptions of the levels. I don't care about the count of the things and summations don't make sense. Do I have to have separate agregate fact tables for each level of the hirearchy? And how do you tell the cube to not aggregate? I've headded down the path of rewriting Mondrian in order to fix this problem it's such a problem, so if there is a way around it, that would be a great relief.


    Patrick Lewis.

  2. Oh man. I was once again googling my problem and I was all excited about this link. Turns out it's my own post. So how about it? Anyone know how to work with an olap hierarchy WITHOUT aggregating the result but by using an entry that corresponds to the whole group? For instance


    Cars: Metal, four-wheeled objects that run on gas

    Cars.Sedans: Utilitarian, sexless driving machines.

    Cars.SUVs: Gas guzling ice cream retrieval units with lots of cup holders


    when the Cars entry in the heirarchy is rolled up, I want the value column to say "Metal, four-wheeled objects that run on gas" When the cars hierarchy is expanded i'd like two entries Cars.Sedans: Utilitarian, sexless driving machines.

    Cars.SUVs: Gas guzling ice cream retrieval units with lots of cup holders


    Any one have a clue? I've been messing around in mondrian and Jpivot land and am at the end of my rope.




    Patrick Lewis.

  3. I'm working with the olap view to display information where the grains of my fact table are not numerical. It is a hirearchy of information extracted from an Object oriented database.


    The extract gives me three crossreferences (my dimentions) and a fact table. The fact table has in each row what boils down to it's parent entry and a description.


    What I want to do is use the hirearchy aspact of the Olap view to allow users to selectively expand the hirearchy. All of the nodes have a description and that is what I would like to display in the columns.


    Any ideas? Am I using the wrong product for this? AM I DOOMED? :)


    Thanks for any and all feedback.


    Patrick Lewis.

  4. Personally, I'm trying to be selective about the application of decorations. I don't want to have to change the baner/logo/style for the whole site just to change the decoration on one page. I've figured out how to change a lot of stuff through modifying the viewOlap.jsp and changing the assignment of the main decoration in the decorations.xml, but I'd like to put some declaration in viewOlap.jsp to specify my decorations.





  5. Ok, This is what I've been able to figure out today which may be of use.


    Jasperserver is using Sitemesh (http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/) to put the finishing touches on it's pages. Messing with viewOlap.jsp alone isn't going to change the color of the banner.


    I've figured out a quick and dirty way of changing this, and if anyone has the final link than you are just a genius. :)


    What I did: Sitemesh uses the ~stuff~webappsjasperserverWEB-INFdecorators.xml file. There is only one decorator by default putting the file main.jsp from the ~stuff~webappsjasperserverWEB-INFdecorators directory. I'm assuming it's implied that these will be in the subdirectory since it's not in the .xml file.


    I tried creating my own decorator putting <decorator name="va" page="va.jsp" /> in the block for decorators.


    I created a decorator va.jsp by copying main.jsp and changing a few small, but noticable things.


    In viewOlap.jsp I put the tag <meta name="decorator" content="va"/> in the head just after the title.


    And.... It did nothing.


    I finally gritted my teeth and changed the main decorator in the decorators.xml to point at my va.jsp.

    That got me the changes I was expecting. This changes everything sitewide so while quick it is also really dirty.


    If anyone knows what I did wrong with specifiying the decoratiors I will bow to your brilliance and give you cake.


    have a good day.



  6. In order to change the OLAP buttons or change their order, modify the toolbar block starting on line 71 in viewOlap.jsp


    For instance, if you wanted to comment out the toolbar buttons pertaining to the charting features, comment out the following:


    <wcf:scriptbutton id="chartButton" tooltip="jsp.jpivot.toolb.chart" img="chart" model="#{${requestScope.name}/chart.visible}"/>

    <wcf:scriptbutton id="chartPropertiesButton" tooltip="jsp.jpivot.toolb.chart.config" img="chart-config" model="#{${requestScope.name}/chartform.visible}"/>



    I'm still looking at how to work with this but it uses the wcf and here's the homepage: http://jpivot.sourceforge.net/wcf/index.html


    When you figure out stuff, please be sure to post. I'm in the same boat.




    Patrick Lewis.

  7. I can but work on my jasperforge Karma :)



    So, concentrating on MS SQL Server, I can see where you are setting up connections in that context.xml and where hibernate3 gets it's SQL flavor. I'm assuming that I'll have to stuff the appropriate jars into the /lib directory as well.


    I'm wondering what effect this will have, if any on the opperating of Jasperserver. I was under the impression that Jasper used MySQL for it's own internal configuration, but in looking around, there are several .XML files that appear to do that job themselves. Since Hibernate is being used, and unless they have done something clever or I'm mistaken, you can only use one type of datasource with Hibernate I take it Jasper can only use one type of database at a time.


    These all sound like statements, but I'm really wondering how correct my impression of things are and if I'm wrong, where the holes are.


    Thanks in advance for the feedback.





  8. Having two problems here. First, I don't think I can get the pre-compiled JasperServer to use MS SQL Data sources and please correct me if I'm wrong about that.


    Second problem is compiling. I can't use Maven because of my network's protection (thank you government IT) and I'd like to use ANT. I've figured out all the dependency issues and am ready to rock, but I'm looking for an ant script. Does anyone have one?


    Please let me know if this is just crazy talk. I'm married, so I'm used to being called incompetent. :)





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