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Posts posted by rbaudchon

  1. Hi ,

    I  just have installed a jasperserver CE4.5 on ubuntu server 10.04, and I have the same issue. When trying to run it for the first time, I have got login page which is empty

    I have installed it from jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0-linux-x64-installer.run file.

    Login page is empty, and when looking to the logs, there is Error Theme Tag.

    "something is wrong with the theme you have set as active" Where do you set it ? It has never asked for theme selection in the installer.


    Is there any issue with the installation file or CE version ?

    I have  tried professionnel version without any problem.




    Post Edited by rbaudchon at 08/14/2012 08:25
  2. Hi,

    I'm using jasperserver-pro 3.01 on redhat enterprise.

    My concern is about the scheduler. I have scheduled several reports and it works fine. Users have scheduled also several reports.

    Is there any view to see a list of all reports schedule, like a schedule management tool ?

    It's amazing now to support customers or end-users when asking for update on existing reports (add email address, new field on reports ....) .



  3. Hi,

    I'm using jasperserver pro 3.01, and I have got a question about scheduler and mail.

    My concern is more about the folder in which the file will be created( pdf, xls.). When I'm schedule a report and send it by mail, I need to provide a folder in the repository. This works fine, but the problem is that I have got now many files in this folder.

    I do not know how if it works in the same way with last version, but I would like to remove it using shceduler or something else.

    Is there any batch, or any command to remove all olders files based on specific criteria ?

    Thanks for your support


  4. Hi,

    I'm using jasperserver pro 3.0.1 on a production environnement (linux servert). Since last week, I'm not able to connect to the repository using the jasperserver plugin on iReport. I have tried with  version (3.0, 3.7.6). I have got he following error:

    "(401)  Full authentication is required to access this resource"

    I have installed a new instance of jasperserver on my computer, and I'm able to connect to the repository. So the jasperserverplugin is correct.

    What coul be wrong ?



  5. I have tried, and I have trouble between mysql and tomcat.

    I have change the name of my jasperserver to jasperserver30 in webapps.

    I have changed the context.xml file in META-INF folder.

    And when I tried to start, I have got error message in tomcat window.

    This is what i have changed in context.xml

    <Context path="/jasperserver-pro30"
                debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">  
        <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver30" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
            maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
                username="jasperdb" password="password" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

    I'm trying this on computer before make any change on the server.

    Are you sure that there is only 1 file to update ?


  6. Hi,

    I have a question, I have got actually jasperserver-pro 3.0.1 running on linux server (red-hat enterprise) with it's own mysql bundled and tomcat bundled.

    I would like to install a second instance of jasperserver-pro 3.7.1 on the same server. I'm wondering if I need to use the Tomcat installed with the version 3 or use the tomcat bundled include with 3.7 maybe using another port. And the same for mysql .

    Is it possible ?

    Thanks for your support



  7. no it doesn't work.


    i have got java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis, when trinh to use "!" after $P.

    I have create a new easy query as follow:



    c.name as CustomerName


    sbedba.cust c


    c.code in ($P!{customerliststring})

  8. Hi,

    I have made a report with iReport 3.0.0 using a collection as parameter. This collection is a list of customer code that I want to keying manually. When I run the report from iReport, it works fine. I can put 1 or several code and I have my report.

    I have created a new report unit in jasperserver. In the input control, I can not have a type "collections", only string. I have tried using string, but then I have an error message.

    How can I convert string to collections in order to have my report running ?

    I do  not want to have a input control based on a multiple query, because I have more than 2000 customers.

    So, if you have any idea, it wiil be helpfull.



  9. yes that's correct, you can have 1 main report with 4 sub-report in the title band.


    Question, Are you tryng to run your report from jasperserver or iReport ?


    If runing from iReport then :

    in your main report you sould have a string parameter called SUBREPORT_DIR, with ""C:\\Temp\\jstmp\\" as value

    and in the property of the subreport expression: $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "report2.jasper"

    then in case of moving .jasper in another directory, you only have to change the parameter.


    If running from Jasperserver then subreport expression: "repo:report2"

    but before you need to add report2.jrxml into your repository.


    Hopes it can help


  10. Hi,

    I 'm using ireport 3.5.2 and I have created a line chart showing the number of repair product per day for the current month. And I have put this chart on a dashboard with jasperserver-pro.

    I would like to have all the day on the X axis (from 1 to 30/31) each time, but as I have only data from 1st to 3rd august for this month, my X axis has only 1 - 2 - 3. values. My chart is not beautiful, and the same for my dashboard.

    Is it possible to set the X axis on a serie like we can do with MsExcel ?

    I have attached previous month and actual month to show my issue.

    Thanks for your support



  11. HI Sherman,

    I have done several test directly on the OLAP analysis using mdx query.

    I have got an error message saying something wrong in dimension=member.

    So I have copy the correct MDX query in to my hypertext link, add some parameters and now it works fine.

    This is the syntaxe i'm using now in my report :

    "./olap/viewOlap.html?name=/analysis/views/analyseapcms&new&mdx=select NON EMPTY Crossjoin(Hierarchize(Union({[Delai].[All Delais]}, [Delai].[All Delais].Children)), {[Measures].[qte]}) ON COLUMNS,"
    + " NON EMPTY {[Produit].[All Produits].[" + $F{F_LIB_CONST} + "]} ON ROWS "
    + " from [Encours] "
    + " where ([secteur].[All Secteurs].[Audio-vidéo], [sites].[All Sitess].[APCMS])"

    I do not understand what was the difference with the earlier version, but it works.


    Thanks for your support


  12. Hi Sherman,

    thanks for your answer.

    It's strange, because I have done it before without this kind of issue.

    By expand parameters, you mean to put the value hardcoded in order to test without using $F{...}.

    I will try and let you know






  13. Code:


    I'm using jasperserver-pro 3.0.2 on linux platform.
    I have done an analysis view and it works well.
    I have create a report with iReport with hypertext link in order to run the analysis when click on data.
    The report is now in a dashboard.
    Everything is working well except my analysis which run wil not accept my parameter. It will always run the analysis view as defined at the beginning.
    The URL is good, with my parameter, but not the analysis.
    I have checked the assign permissions on it, but I have administer access.

    In he hypertext link I'm calling my analysis like follow :

    If you have any idea



  14. Code:
    My version is jasperserver pro 3.0.2 on linux platform.

    With an export, I can have my XML shema, that's the only way I have founded.

  15. Thanks,


    I have got iReport 3.5.0 and When I click on open in editor, I have got a message box saying ERROR: 1 - null


    I'm able to open jrxml from my repository, but not schemas.

    I will try 3.5.1


  16. Hi Vince,

    I have set the jdbc connection to firebird with jasperserver.

    It seems that the problem was due to the last version of jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar.

    I have downloaded previous version FirebirdSQL-1.5.6JDK_1.4, and I have put the file firebirdsql-full.jar in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ and it works fine.



    Concerning directory,

    If you have only one webapp using your driver or you need to keep the driver separate from other web apps, put the jar files in the WEB-INF/lib/ subdirectory of your web app.

    It is more likely that your driver (Firebird in my case) will be used by all of your web apps and Tomcat itself. To have universal access to your driver, put the jars in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/.



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