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Everything posted by xok

  1. What program are you trying to make the paste of XML? The .jrxml file is encoded in UTF-8, you might want to check this. Are you sure that your DataSource has results? An empty DS might be the issue..
  2. Hi all, I have tested the same report on Ubuntu 10.10 and is a bit faster than editing the report on Windows, altough it is slow! In Ubuntu, selecting an object takes about 1sec. and Windows XP takes almost 3 secs.. As attachment you can find a small image (just to have an picture of what I am trying to do).
  3. Hi, Why do you need to change the enconding of the JRXML file? I dont know exactly what the problem is but why dont you change the encoding in the datasource? So far, I havent seen any problem working with JRXML in UTF-8. Rgds, RCS
  4. Hi Magnus, I have tested your settings and it does exactly the same. - Selecting and text box takes about 3 secs. - Scrolling the document takes about the same amount of time. The memory toolbar shows ~50MB of 512MB available, when selecting / deselecting objects the memory toolbar, shows "random" results between {~45, ~75, ~115} of 512MB available. Exploring the thread/process with "Process Explorer" over iReport, I can see that when I select an object it does a spike of read IO and a spike of CPU usage. Anyone knows why iReport reads file(s) and/or why does some HD IO, when selecting an object? Rgds,
  5. Hi Magnus, I will try your settings and provide feedback as soon as possible. One thing that I have noticed (or it seems like, ** so, not sure ** ), is that on every change that is made the .JRXML is reloaded and all objects redrawn. - To speed up I think the following options would get some results: * Disable anti-aliasing. * Disable the reload / redraw of all objects on a object change.
  6. Hi pwd, I am using an Virtual Machine with Windows XP for the development, but also tried in the host with exactly the same behaviour (Notebook ASUS UL30A, Win7 64 Bits, 4GB DDR3). [EDIT to reduce post] Attached you can find the specification of both machines with DXDIAG. Post Edited by robccsilva at 03/09/2011 10:44
  7. Hi all, iReport is VERY SLOW when working on reports with many labels and text I have an report with 2 pages with many labels and text. - Consider about 50 labels and 50 textboxes on the first page. - On the second page, half of the page is text in size 6 and 25 textboxes and 25 labels. Speed Notes: - At this moment, selecting an object in iReport takes about 2 secs.. - Making scroll takes about 1 secs. per move. - Initially things were very fast, but due to the amount of objects it is getting slower and slower... Exporting the report is almost as fast as selecting objects!! /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/teeth_smile.gif Is there any way to disable anti-alising and/or any option to speed up things? The report will need to have more 2 pages of text and I cant imagine the slowliness of it.. I can provide the report file, but I have to change the contents because of confidentiality and it will take about 4 hours... /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif Rgds, RS
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