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  1. Hi Theodor, Thanks for the prompt reply. Looks like we control this by restricting access to the files right? Is the security planned for later releases? Reason I am asking this is that I plan to distribute some of the reports I wrote and am thinking of a way to track users using those reports and to protect the files distributed from being altered by users.Do you have other ideas of how I can achieve this? Thanks again.
  2. Hi all, I've been using jasperreport and ireport to create reports for a while now and so far, I must say that it has not fail me. Recently, there is a need to protect the report files from users changing it themselves, ie, the sql, formatting, etc. How can this be achieved? Can the files, both jasper and jrxml be encrypted? Also, how can I not permit the users from opening the files in ireport so that they can't change it in ireport? How can I hide the sql from users? Pls help!!!! Thanks in advance! Regards.
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