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Posts posted by Juriy

  1. I solved similar problem by introducing an opaque element that is printed on the top of crosstab when there is no data.


    Here is the snippet:


    <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="0" y="0" width="842" height="300" backcolor="#ffffff" style="Normal">
    <![CDATA[new java.lang.Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() == 0)]]>
    <textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle">
    <font size="18"/>
    <text><![CDATA[No data for the report]]></text>
  2. dencel wrote:

    Thanks, that is good tip. But I am doing some editing on the pdf doc using iText.

    I am creating A5 size prints using Jasper and then reformat them on a A4 thus saving the company some printingcosts ;). As far as I know this is not possible using Jasper (?).


    Ehhh? You arrange two A5 reports on a single page, am I right? If so - nice trick! I'm not quite sure, but I guess you can achieve this with subreports.

  3. Why you just don't export your report directly to printer? Here's a snippet:


    JasperPrint print = (JasperPrint) JRLoader.loadObject(new File("reports/fill/example1.jrprint"«»));
    PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(null, null);
    int selectedService = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <services.length;i++){
    selectedService = i;

    System.out.println("Selected " + services[selectedService].getName());

    PrintRequestAttributeSet printRequestAttributeSet = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
    MediaSizeName mediaSizeName = MediaSize.findMedia(4, 4, MediaPrintableArea.INCH);
    printRequestAttributeSet.add(new Copies(1));

    JRPrintServiceExporter exporter;
    exporter = new JRPrintServiceExporter();
    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, print);
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_SERVICE, services[selectedService]);
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_SET, services[selectedService].getAttributes());
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.PRINT_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_SET, printRequestAttributeSet);
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.DISPLAY_PAGE_DIALOG, Boolean.FALSE);
    exporter.setParameter(JRPrintServiceExporterParameter.DISPLAY_PRINT_DIALOG, Boolean.FALSE);
  4. Hi!


    I've got a problem, while exporting my report to xls format. All the charts seems to be in ugly quality: they look like heavily compressed or blurred. There is no such problems with other formats. Below is the piece of code I use to export to excel:


    JRExporter exporter = new JExcelApiExporter();
    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, getFilledReport());

    try {
    } catch (JRException e) {


    Thanks in advance for your help.

  5. OK, I got it. "JasperReports Reporting for Java Developers", page 146, "Built-in Report variables".


    It says:


    Contains the total number of pages in

    the report.



    Contains the current page number.

  6. Maybe it would be easier to include all the libraries from /lib and /dist folders from the distribution, and then try to compile the report. If everything is OK, then exclude libraries one by one, until you find one that causes the problem.


    Download "project" distribution. It includes all necessary libs.

  7. So, when you hardcode param values in the query - you see the data in the report. And you're passing your parameters in the same format, as you hardcoded them. And it doesn't work with params?


    My boss says "There's no miracles in IT". ;) Try to output passed params values in the report. Compare the values with those you've hardcoded. I guess you will find some differences.


    BTW, what version of jasperreports engine do you use?

  8. Hmm, that's a bit strange.


    I've got this code perfectly working for me:


    Map parameters = new HashMap();
    parameters.put("dateFrom", "01.01.2007"«»);
    parameters.put("dateTo", "01.04.2007"«»);


    And then

    <parameter name="dateFrom" class="java.lang.String" />

    <parameter name="dateTo" class="java.lang.String" />


    <![CDATA[select * from myschema.mytable t where t.dateofaddingrecord between TO_DATE($P{dateFrom}, 'dd.mm.yy') and TO_DATE($P{dateTo}, 'dd.mm.yy')]]>


    Maybe the problem is not in DateFormat? Have you tried to execute your query at the actual DB with appropriate parameters?


    If you are absolutely sure that your query is correct and it is actually returns data - use sqlMonitor (from TOAD distribution) to monitor the query that is actually sent by JasperReprots.


    Try to hardcode the parameters right in the query and create the report. Is there any data in it?

  9. Why do you use:


    d2 = df.parse("10 april 2007");

    result2 = df.format(d2);


    instead of simply


    d2 = "10 april 2007"; ???



    As I see - the problem is that you pass your date in "dd MMM yyyy" format, and oracle expects 'dd/mm/yy' format:

    TO_DATE($P{first_date}, 'dd/mm/yy')



    Try to do it like this:

    result2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format(d2);

  10. Yeah, I've encountered this issue in the book. I guess it is a typo.


    You can use PAGE_COUNT to enumerate the records at the page or maybe to do something more artistic :) I've seen an issue that describes how to add zebra background to report: all even rows appear at the light background, and odd rows appear at the dark background.

  11. $V{PAGE_COUNT} stands for number of lines in current page. To get the page number you should do something like this:


    <band height="40">
    <reportElement x="200" y="20" width="100" height="15"/>
    <textElement textAlignment="Right"/>
    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Page " + String.valueOf($V{PAGE_NUMBER}) + " of"]]></textFieldExpression>
    <textField evaluationTime="Report">
    <reportElement x="300" y="20" width="75" height="15"/>
    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[" " + String.valueOf($V{PAGE_NUMBER})]]></textFieldExpression>


    Note the parameter evaluationTime="Report" in the second text field.

  12. I guess you should generate your jrxml file on the fly, rather then using static jrxml.

    Here is my point on how to accomplish your task:


    1. Explore your datasource on the fly (get the column count, column data types).

    2. Having all the data you need from [1] - generate .jrxml file. Use any XML building API. For example you may use JDOM.

    3. Pass generated XML as an InputStream to JasperCompileManager.compileReport(...);

    4. Fill report, show it to user or do anything you want.

  13. Ok, I guess I get it with $X. Correct me if I am wrong. $X statement may be used only in <queryString> element. The syntax is:


    $X{NOTIN, ColumnName, ExcludedValues}


    $X{IN, ColumnName, ExcludedValues}.


    ExcmludedValues must be a java.util.List object.


    But what about the "$P!" ?

    Is there some kind of _strict_ rules of $P! syntax usage. Or I should just try using $P, and when it isn't working I should try $P! ;-)


    Thanx in advance.

  14. Hi guys!


    I've recently downloaded JasperReports 1.3.2.

    Could you please point at some docs or tutorials that explain the usage of $X and $P!. All I've found so far is QueryReport.jrxml. Are there any more docs, samples or specifications?

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