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Posts posted by kalyanipetkar

  1. Hi,


    I have one jasper xml showing

    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true">

    <textElement textAlignment="Right" verticalAlignment="Middle">

    <font fontName="sansarif" size="7"/>


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{percentMarketValueAtDay1}]]></textFieldExpression>



    when i deploy same code on X machine PDF doesn't show this value but on Y machine it shows.


    What should be reason for this.

    In one case i tried by increasing height of textfield but same approch for other field is not working.


    Can i get some clue where m going wrong.

    Plz reply ASAP.

  2. Hi Teodord,


    In HTML it is possible but I don't know how superscript works in excel.

    I know how it apply from font tab...but I want it to apply from jasperreports


    e.g For <BR> in HTML "n" in EXcel works.

    I want to know is thr such similar option is available for same ot not ???


    waiting for reply.

  3. I am displaying a number(positive or negative) using <printwhenexpression>. Positive values are displayed in black and negative in red. this is working fine.

    But the alignment of negative value is not proper.

    i have used "isStretchWithOverflow" attribute to wrap the values with greater length.

    But this does not wraps the negatve values.

    It displays '-' in first row and then remaining number in other rows. Also the number is getting displayed without decimal places!!

    Can anybody please tell me the reason and the possible solution??

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