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Posts posted by marc_nikko

  1. I created a subreport with one band (detail) and one text field.  The band and text field have the height of 15 and the text field stretches on overflow.  I created another report with a detail band of height 15.  It also has a text field which stretches on overflow.  On the main report the text field stretches but the subreport text field does not stretch.

    Is it possible to stretch the subreport if its parent report's band stretches also?  What would I need to do to make this work?



  2. I have a workaround which requires a customizer setting the dataset of the plot to null.  If you find a better way please advise. The code snippet is shown below. 

        public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) {		try		{			XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();						....			plot.setDataset(2,null);		}		catch (Exception e)		{			System.out.println("Error in customize " + e);		}    }
  3. Hi,

    I created a multi axis chart with two time series charts.  By default it works well.  I wanted to display each time series chart depending on a parameter.  To test this, I added a new Boolean(false) to the Print When Expression field to one of the time series charts. However, that time series chart still appears.

    Do you guys know how I can accomplish this task?



    Post Edited by marc_nikko at 11/19/2009 17:11

    Post Edited by marc_nikko at 11/19/2009 17:11
  4. Hi,


    I have a report that contains a Static Text box that states [Priority 5's]. When I view this through JasperViewer or Pdf it appears correct. However, when I view it through IE I get [Priority 5's]. Do I need to escape the apostrophe somehow.


    How would I modify <text><![CDATA[Priority 5`s]]></text> in my jrxml so that the apostrophe appears correctly?





  5. Hi,


    I need to create a report in IReport that uses a Hibernate connection. To do this, I use a basic hibernate pojo which I've verified in a java appliation.


    I added this pojo, as well as multiple hibernate jars to my ireport classpath:


    * ojdbc14.jar

    * hibernate3.jar

    * ant-1.6.5.jar

    * antlr-2.7.6rc1.jar

    * asm-attrs.jar

    * asm.jar

    * cglib-2.1.3.jar

    * dom4j-1.6.1.jar

    * ehcache-1.1.jar

    * jdbc2_0-stdext.jar


    After adding the jars, I successfully created and tested a Hibernate connection (Data->Connections/Data Sources).


    After verifying the Hibernate connection, I tried creating a report using the report wizard. In the first dialog of the report wizard, I select my DorHibernate data source, enter the HQL query then click next. Then, a popup occurs that says:


    General problem: Cannot open connection

    Check your user name and password. Be sure the DMBS is running.


    I'm sure I can connect using my hibernate pojo because I tested it in my java application. So, I did further research by running filemon. I found that ireport could not find "orghibernateeventSessionEventListenerConfigBeanInfo.class". Also, I researched the web, this forum, and even bought the Ireport manual and couldn't find an answer why I cannot connect.


    Has anyone ever successfully connected to a Hibernate connection in IReport with this configuration?


    Hibernate 3

    IReport 1.3.1

    Oracle 10 thin client


    If so, do you have a tutorial, which I cannot find anwyhere? What Hibernate version does Ireport use?





    Post edited by: marc_nikko, at: 2007/03/06 18:27

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