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Posts posted by pramudya81

  1. I found similar case here http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=55185

    And I found the API states this

    "A string representing text that will be inserted between pages of the generated report. By default, JasperReports separates pages by two empty lines, but this behavior can be overridden by this parameter."


    The question now, Can I override it to null value? So I dont want to have any page break at all.

    Post Edited by pramudya81 at 11/12/2010 06:17
  2. svenn

    If you do not care whether you report will fit on a standard page you can also check "Ignore pagination". It will cause the report not to page break.

    Hi svenn,

    I tried this, but still no go. I still have the page break after each 53 rows...

    Anything else to try?

  3. I want to make a raw data report. So it does not need a page column, footer, summary, etc. Only title which prints once at the top, and detail to print all the data.

    I can not find a way to have all data to be in single page, i.e. there should not exist a space (page break) between data. I want only 1 tile at the top and all the data until the bottom with no page break at all.

    How to achieve this?


    Daily Reportdatacontentrow1datacontentrow2datacontentrow3...............datacontentrow50[i dont want a page break here]datacontentrow51datacontentrow52................
  4. Hi,

    I am using iReport 3.7.3

    And I am facing exact problem as I found on http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=50134

    But I can not see the continuation of that thread. So I ask again in this forum.

    I have text expression with value

    "<style isBold='true' fontSize='10'>Card No : " + $P{P_CARD_NO} + "</style>"

    I could see the expected result on iReport but If I call it from JSP the text is in plain format. No bold. No bigger font size as 10 defined.

    What's missing here?



  5. Yes. I never expect that iReport has been releasing so many versions already (current stable @3.7.3 wow!) since I used it few years back.


    Now my previous project using iReport 1.3.2 is doing a little bit changes. One of the issue is using


    Now, I am thinking to move forward to use iReport 3.7.3 and see whether new iReport could handle issue this or not...




  6. Hi,

    I am using iReport 1.3.2.

    And I am facing exact problem as I found on http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=50134

    But I can not see the continuation of that thread. So I ask again in this forum.

    I have text expression with value

    "<style isBold='true' fontSize='10'>Card No : " + $P{P_CARD_NO} + "</style>"

    I could see the expected result on iReport but If I call it from JSP the text is in plain format. No bold. No bigger font size as 10 defined.

    What's missing here?




    I have posted same question on iReport forum on http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=75231

    And Giulio told me to ask the same here....

    Hope you guys could help

  7. Hi,

    I am using iReport 1.3.2.

    And I am facing exact problem as I found on http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=50134

    But I can not see the continuation of that thread. So I ask again in this forum.

    I have text expression with value

    "<style isBold='true' fontSize='10'>Card No : " + $P{P_CARD_NO} + "</style>"

    I could see the expected result on iReport but If I call it from JSP the text is in plain format. No bold. No bigger font size as 10 defined.

    What's missing here?





  8. Guys.


    Here is my problem.

    First I use iReport to design and generate .jasper file.

    Then I only load and fill the report.


    This is my little java codes


    JasperReport report = null;

    JasperPrint print = null;


    //filePath is file full path

    //params is a HashMap

    //conn is a JDBC connection

    report = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject(filePath);

    print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report,params,conn);




    It works fine.

    However, when clients hits the button the JasperViewer generated the report on the server side. Thus clients didnot see anything.


    Why this is happening?

    Should I use applet viewer for jasper to make "client sided" in web app environment?

    Why JasperViewer is not working here?



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