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Posts posted by nittu02

  1. Hello,


    I have a set of textboxes which are aligned and grouped. I have some four rows, and in each row, there are two textboxes which i have grouped together, and allowed to stretch.

    I have set the property "Relative to Tallest Object" for each element group. The idea is that, as one box stretches, the other box in that row should also stretch accordingly.

    My problem is that, when there is too much data, The last couple of rows seem to get truncated. I have set the position to 'Float', and ideally, as the data overflows, it should push the rows below, and the band height also should increase. In my case, i guess the band height is not increasing. The last row does not appear when there is a lot of data in the first rows. I have put my elements in a dummy group footer. Does anyone know the solution to this? It will be greatly appreciated.



  2. Hi, am using Oracle,


    And i need a biggg help from any of you DB Gurus. I have some values in a column in the DB, which goes something like this:

    [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] Test for notification

    [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] Initialization


    Each row will contain the first part [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] multiple times. My problem is that i need to remove this from the row while displaying, so that it will appear like this:


    Test for notification



    How do i remove everything between the [ and ] ???

  3. Hi, am using Oracle,


    And i need a biggg help from any of you DB Gurus. I have some values in a column in the DB, which goes something like this:

    [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] Test for notification

    [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] Initialization


    Each row will contain the first part [03-Jan-2008 21:53(GMT) Username] multiple times. My problem is that i need to remove this from the row while displaying, so that it will appear like this:


    Test for notification



    How do i remove everything between the [ and ] ???

  4. It depends upon on what basis you are taking the number 1 and number 2 values right?? you need to put that expression in the key expression there. Or, if you are saying you need to put the same expression and different values, in the query, put the static value for the field you are selecting.
  5. It depends upon on what basis you are taking the number 1 and number 2 values right?? you need to put that expression in the key expression there. Or, if you are saying you need to put the same expression and different values, in the query, put the static value for the field you are selecting.
  6. Hi,

    I am using ireports 1.2.2 with jasperreports 1.2.2. I'm creating a Line chart with different series and category values. My question is that, when the graph is plotted, i observed that if for one category there are no values for a particular series, the line breaks. And the line starts AGAIN from the next data point.


    Is there anyway in which we can connect ALL the points in a particular series, so that it will be one continuous single line instead of broken lines and dots??


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Post edited by: nittu02, at: 2007/08/13 11:34

  7. The number of columns in the report define in how many columns the data will be printed. that is, if you set the column count to 3, then the data will be printed in a newspaper fashion, with the detail band in 3 columns.


    and about the pdf problem, quiet a number of people have got the same problem in pdf encoding. See this post:



    about the page number, am not sure. try reducing the summary band height and print. you better check around in the forum for this problem.;)

  8. oh okay.. i got it. from the main report to your first subreport, pass the subreport variable as a parameter expression--subreport properties-->add parameter. and i guess you'd better pass it from the first Subreport to the Second subreport too. in my case i just tried with null values for the locations in all three reports and it worked when i passed the variable from the first to the second.
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