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Posts posted by cgn69

  1. I'll start out by saying that I'm brand new to iReport.  The lack of documentation has been frustrating to say the least.  So far I've found very useful answers here in the forums.  So now here's my question...

    I am creating a new report that needs a "stoplight".  I have a field on my database that has a text representation of the status (Red, Green, Yellow).  I have created three rectangles and in the Print when expression box have put the following:

    new Boolean($F{fieldname} == "Red")   /* or green or yellow

    The report compiles great and generates, but the rectangle doesn't display when it should.  Ok it nevers displays.  The field is a varchar and the database is Oracle.   I know that the data is "Red" because I've interrogated it using a few other tools.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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