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  1. Hi, Rant on. we're experiencing massive problems with getting the most simple things to work in iReport. Especially the fact, that the page control is very poor and the manual doesn't help in the least. In fact, we find the manual confusing, in need of heavy revising in terms of both content and language. I think taking money for it at this stage, classifies as theft. The failure is further compounded by the poor support for XML based input data. No decent way of browsing, all hand cranked, and gods forbid you want to create something as outrageous as subreports using XML data sources! All in all it is my opinion, that the product in its current stage, is maximum public beta grade, by no means production grade. I think you should get a usability person on board and heavily revise the way iReport works, in order to attract a sane customer base. We were planning on handing iReport to our customers, after integrating with some J2EE web-appplications, allowing them to create and maintain their own templates for the data. After one week of this, we're thinking we would lose the customer if we tried. Rant off.
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