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Posts posted by nipo

  1. Is it possible to make the labels on the pie chart smaller i.e. Specify a smaller font?



    I have a report that, due to the quantity of information, uses an 8pt font and the pie charts look to be using a 12pt font for the labels.



    You can change the font/size of the title and legend.. why not the labels?



    Anyone have a work around?

    Or point me to something I’m missing.






  2. Thanks,

    I'll give it a lick and see what happens!



    UPDATE: LOL... :whistle:



    Well I'm sure I tried something like that before I asked the question... However, whatever I tried before didn't work... BUT what you outline above DOES WORK...



    Many Thanks.



    One other question while I'm here: How would I convert a String parameter '2007-4-6' to a Date...??

    new java.util.Date('2007-4-6') doesn't work :(





    Post edited by: nipo, at: 2007/04/09 23:36

    Post edited by: nipo, at: 2007/04/09 23:39

  3. Hi Gang..



    I have a report that the user enters a date for '2007-03-30'... I wish to derive the date n' days before the given date



    i.e. 2007-03-30 - 5days = 2007-03-25



    Any ideas?

    What am I missing?



    Thanks in advance.


  4. I’d like to resurrect this issue…



    I have a db field that contains HTML that needs to be included in a report.



    The ‘Is Styled Text’ only handles a very small sub-set of HTML tags and as soon as an unhandled tag is encountered rendering of the HTML fails resulting in the HTML tags being printed in the report.



    Does anyone have a work around?

    Does anyone know of any plans to incorporate full HTML support into iReport?



    Many thanks


  5. I was looking for the same thing... found another thread and this works for me now...


    SELECT a,b,c,d

    FROM table_t

    WHERE create_timestamp <= DATE('$P!{parameterName}') AND create_timestamp > (DATE('$P!{parameterName}')-INTERVAL '6 days')

    ORDER BY a


    [This is PostgreSQL SQL]


    For me the trick was to add the '!' mark



    I trust this to be of assistance!

    have a great day!


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