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Posts posted by montero

  1. Did you ever figure out the solution to this. PDF is static, i agree. It would be nice to have a tooltip that will work with HTML tags embedded in it. I have tried but the HTML tags show on the end report as html tags...literally.
  2. iReport 1.3.3


    Report: Stacked Bar Chart


    Problem: Report compiles with no errors in iReport, however no rendering is exported to html output.


    Has anyone experienced this? I have searched the blogs and have searched the demos. Nothing mentioned on this that i could find useful. Hopefully one of you iReport gurus can assit me in figuring this out.


    Much appreciate it. [file name=stacked_bar-70844761c1dcd33a71a78bf6c0338fa5.jrxml size=6486]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/stacked_bar-70844761c1dcd33a71a78bf6c0338fa5.jrxml[/file]

    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/08/01 22:21

  3. I am creating a stacked bar chart and still haven't got it to work. I am starting to wonder if it will work with just one category series. The values look something like this. Here are the columns.


    model | temp | unit count

    622 1-30 50

    622 1-31 20

    hd 1-32 100

    hd 1-33 50

    hd 1-34 300

    301 1-35 200

    301 1-36 100


    I want the stack to be category 1-30 and each model should be a color of the bar per temp, which will have the values of unit count.


    Any suggestions. I can't seem to get this to work using iReport 1.3.3.



  4. I finally got my query structured and i believe the correct chart data category series as well. My report runs fine (meaning no errors) but nothing is displayed. What am i doing wrong here? This is frustrating because i am not sure if this is a bug in the software or the way i have it setup?


    Can one of you iReport gurus please look at my jrxml and tell me what it is i am doing wrong? Please don't send me to the sample stacked bar chart cause i have already studied it up and down.

    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/08/01 21:43

  5. in your field properties, in the common tab, you will need to use the "Print when expression" For example, I wanted my field to be color coded red, green, and black. Red for negative value, green for positive, and black for zero value. so i can created 3 of the same fields and placed one on top of the other. Each a different color. Though there are 3 fields on top of eachother, only one is displayed when the "Print When Expression" codition is met. Hope this makes sense.
  6. Thanks for your help. I know what was causing the problem and it was simple html. It didn't occur to me that in my text i had the word "AT&T" when i should have use the word /"AT&"/ instead. works now!


    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/06/25 19:03

    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/06/25 19:04

  7. The Styled Text in my previous reports do not work anymore in 2.0. I upgraded to 2.0 from 1.3.3 and opened a previously working report. Now my bolding in static text box doesn't work. Instead of printing BOLD like it should, it prints

    <b>BOLD</b> literally. Styled text is set to "true"


    Did this break in 2.0?

  8. Trying to print the Text Field in RED when the value is < 0,

    BLACK when the value =0 and GREEN when the value is >0.


    In the "Print when expression" to get the color

    GREEN font I wrote:

    $F{PCT_TRUE_DIFF}.comparTo(new BigDecimal(0)) >0  


    In another field2 i have

    [code]$F{PCT_TRUE_DIFF}.comparTo(new BigDecimal(0)) <0
    to get the color RED font


    and in field3 i have

    [code]$F{PCT_TRUE_DIFF}.comparTo(new BigDecimal(0)) =0
    to get the color BLACKfont


    None of this is working as i get a "Cannot cast from boolean to boolean" error.


    The fields are all BigDecimals btw. And i have 3 of them all on top of one another in the report detail band.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as i haven't have the slightest clue as to why i would be getting this type of error.


    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/05/24 22:08


    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/05/24 22:09


    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/05/24 22:10

    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/05/24 22:11

  9. Hi,


    Do you know how to put utilize html tags in a tool tip? All i am trying to do is make my tooltip like a listed item view utilizing the <li> tag but it doesn't work. So far i can only get one line of plain text with no line breaks or formating whatsoever. Is this even possible?

  10. Tooltip seems so limited. I am not able to add html tags like <li> on a tooltip for an image. I would like to roll my mounseover an image and have it display on tooltip with listed items, but i am not sure how to do this. i tried doing it in the tooltip expression area, but nothing happens when i roll my mouse over the image. Can we add this as another feature? Kinda like the tooltip you have on the documenations page of this forum. DocMan Tooltip?

    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/07/30 16:56

  11. When trying to enter some styled text into a basic static text field, it doesn't work. I followed the example the sample StyledTextReport.jrxml to the dot and it doesn't work. Is this a possible bug in iReport-1.3.3? Anyone have a solution. Here's my code:


    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None"
    leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None"
    rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None"
    <textElement isStyledText="true">
    <font pdfFontName="Helvetica" isBold="false"/>
    <text><![CDATA[<li><b>Total:</b>Entire active and inactive homezone population</li> <li><b>Active:</b>Homezone population that has dialed in </b></li>]]></text>
  12. The reason why you have any extra column is because you have spaces between your fields and text boxes on your report layout. Bump them together or increase the width of the boxes themselves until they butt eachother. I had this same problem and it worked for me. Like i am displaying below...try it..it will work.




    Post edited by: rubedogg04, at: 2007/03/22 18:04

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