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  1. not yet. can you tell me how to solve this problem?
  2. Hi. Can you tell me how to print jasperreport on linux, i am using Sp500 star printer, linux : Ubuntu error: " /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertostarlm failed " print teks is OK. but if I had print from my application with jasperreport, printer can't print the report? printer status : " jasperreport stopped:job-stopped " anyone help me!!!
  3. Hi. Can you tell me how to print jasperreport on linux, i am using Sp500 star printer, linux : Ubuntu error: " /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertostarlm failed " print teks is OK. but if I had print from my application with jasperreport, printer can't print the report? printer status : " jasperreport stopped:job-stopped " anyone help me!!!
  4. just tray!! put the commondigester.jar into your java lib or your lib aplication
  5. just tray!! put the commondigester.jar into your java lib or your lib aplication
  6. Hi, Printer Sp500 can not print from my aplication in linux error: /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertostarlm failed thank's
  7. Hi, when i run my aplication with Jaspperreport, printer can not print the report? I am using Sp500 star printer and linux Ubuntu error: "/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertostarlm failed" what's the mean??? thanks
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