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Posts posted by ujbi

  1. hi,

    I want to add 2 subreports to the summary band of my report. My idea is to show a summary of a large dataset. Unfortunately the 2 reports overlap when exporting the report to Pdf.
    My question: is it possible at all to do this or can I only add 1 subreport to the summary band ?

    I'm using a fairly old version of JR: 1.3.4 and upgrading is currently unwanted...




  2. hello there,


    I'm running into a strange problem when exporting a report to excel. The report consists of 2 subreports, the 1st is placed in the groupheader, the 2nd in the details band. The export looks fine, but when the row count of the tables exceeds some amount (25 or so) the height of the last row before one has only half the height of the other ones. See attached image.

    Does anyone know of this problem ?


    Gernot ]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/error.png

  3. hello,


    I want to set the background color of a row in the details band. A row consists of an opaque rectangle with gray backgound and foreground, 3 transparent textfieds upon the rectangle. In iReport1.2.8 the layout is displayed correct, but the hmtl export created with jasperreports1.2.8 does not display the background color. I've browsed the generated html, it's missing the background color setting.

    Someone here in the forum posted that this is a bug in jasperreports ? In version 1.3.0 the bug is still there.



  4. After some investigation I found out, that the only way to get the pie chart displayed correct is to set its incrementation type to "None" (increment with each record) and evaluation time "Report". In this case, the variable that holds the total does not yet contain the final value. This causes the erroneous label entries.

    The only solution I see is to provide a customizer class that sets a special LabelGenerator (PieSectionLabelGenerator) to the PiePlot. This is working job for me.

    It would be a gooed idea to have something like an "Auto" evaluation time for charts as it is for textfields.



  5. Hello,


    I run into the same problem. My details band consists of

    3 columns, col. 0 is the party name, col. displays the votes ( $F{votes} ) of the party and col 2 should display the percentage. To calculate the percentage you need to sum up all votes e.g. $V{totalVotes}

    But what I got is not the percentage but a value like

    $F/{votes} / (current value of $V{totalVotes}) * 100 [%].

    When I display $V{totalVotes} in the summary band it looks ok.

    So the details band looks like:

    Party 1 1 100%

    Party 2 2 66.666%

    Party 3 3 50%

    Party 4 4 40%


    Summary band:

    Total 10


    So how can one achieve that the calculation of the variable is done *before* the details band is evaluated.

    BTW: the same thing happens if I want to display $V{totalVotes} in a pie chart where the value expression is the votes field. This happens even If I put the chart into the summary band.



  6. Sorry, I forgot the image... [file name=MyReport2.jrxml size=7572]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/MyReport2.jrxml%5B/file] size=342]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/report.PNG
  7. Hello,


    I've made a small test report that consists of a pie chart and a table to display election results.

    Each label of the chart should display the party followed by the percentage of the election result.

    Below the details table is a textfield that displays the total of all votes. See attached image.

    The chart is generated correct, also the total of the votes is calculated correct and displaxed in the textfield, but the percentages in the chart labels are wrong. As you can see the value is the votes of the party devided by the current value of the variable the holds the total.

    Maybe the reason are some wrong evaluation attributes of the chart and the variable ? Below are some code snippets of my jrxml.






    <variable name="totalVotes" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="chartGroup" calculation="Sum">


    <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(0)]]></initialValueExpression>





    <group name="chartGroup" >



    <band height="300" isSplitAllowed="true" >


    <chart isShowLegend="false" evaluationTime="Report" evaluationGroup="chartGroup" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >




    <labelExpression><![CDATA[$F{party} + " " + new Float(($F{votes}.floatValue()/$V{totalVotes}.floatValue()) * 100f) + "%"]]></labelExpression>




    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Report" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >








    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>




    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Integer"><![CDATA[$V{totalVotes}]]></textFieldExpression>


  8. hello,


    I'm using ireport 1.2.8 to create fields from a custom JRDataSourceProvider. When I open the report query dialog, tab DataSource Provider and invoke Get fields from datasource all fields from my JRDataSourceProvider are listed. But if I try to use these fields to set up the chart parameters, I get the error message that the fields do not exist (Chart properties, expression editor).

    I expected that the fields are created automatically...?




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