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  1. Hello, I need help in printing reports generated using Jasper Reports. I get the print out, but the size is not correct. The print is in a huge font and so the data doesnt fit into the page. I tried setting the page height and width for the JasperPrint object, but it doesnt work. can anyone please help me ... it was an urgent requirement. Please help. regards, Shiby
  2. Thanks a lot for the reply. Ok.. I exported the report to a html file , but the images that are used to fill the background are shown in the file. While using JrHTMLExporter, i could make those images invisible, by setting the parameter JRHtmlExporterParameter.IS_USING_IMAGES_TO_ALIGN to false. Is there any option to do the same when i use JasperExportManager.exportReportToHTMLFile??
  3. I have a web application that generates Jasper Reports in HTML and PDF formats. I have images within the reports. I am able to send the reports to the screen successfully with the images using ImageServlet. But i need to write the same to a file in my hard disk, with the images showing in my (D:/report.html) output file. How can I achive this? Also I need to send the report as a mail. There also the images are not coming in the mail. Please help me. This is urgent
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