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Posts posted by kcc87

  1. Hi to all,


    I have been developing and researching about JasperIntelligence for about 2 week plus now. I was just wondering how come there isn't any API on Jasper Intelligence Web Service. Or it is just that i never see it? Can anyone tell me about it..



    Chi Chiang..

  2. After many trial and error, i found out one thing, that ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_FOLDER is can be used to list out everything under the URI, it does not necessary means listing out only Type = folder. And ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT can only be used on report unit. Meaning that lets say you have a report unit called jasper1, which is under reports and you wish to list out everthing that is in jasper 1 then you can use -> ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT and it will work. But by using ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT with the uri of /reports only, then it will always return nothing.
  3. Hi there,


    I have been working on a application that runs on WAS 6.0 and which then consumes the JI 1.1 web services. However i meet with some problems that isn't very logical to me.


    1.) Somehow I can never list the TYPE_REPORTUNIT out. But however, when it comes to TYPE_FOLDER, it work perfectly. What can be the reasons here??


    Below are the codes that i have written:


    MyJIClient jiClient = new MyJIClient("http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/services/repository", "jasperadmin", "ihis");


    ResourceDescriptor rd = new ResourceDescriptor();


    List arg = new ArrayList();


    arg = jiClient.list("/reports/Assignment4", ResourceDescriptor.TYPE_REPORTUNIT);

    //The list method here is link to the MyJIClient class

    //which just accept the Uri and a String as the TYPE.



    //But somehow the arg.size() always return 0, which means nothing is found.


    2.) My reports are mostly in Chinese, although i have no problem seeing my report but, all the words are in "????" are there any settings or things i can do to solve this problem?



    Please help me! I have been trying to solve this 2 problem for around 1 week plus..

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