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Posts posted by bogleg20

  1. Hi,


    I'm noticing some weird behavior when I try to print one of my reports after switching over to Java 6. I have several reports, but this seems to affect the reports that are in landscape mode and include JFreeChart objects. So I'm not sure if this is a JFreeChart problem or a Jasper problem. Basically, under java 6, the output of the report seems to get mirrored.


    Using Java 5:


    Using Java 6:



    Are there any known Java 6 issues with Jasper? Any clues on how I should try and debug this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!




    Post edited by: bogleg20, at: 2007/02/01 22:27

    Post edited by: bogleg20, at: 2007/02/01 22:27

  2. Hi,


    Can someone help me understand the virtualizer? I have a report that is potentially very large where I get OutOfMemory errors during the fill process. So I've taken the code from the VirtualizerApp demo like this:


    JRFileVirtualizer virtualizer = new JRFileVirtualizer(2, "temp");


    parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER, virtualizer);

    report = JasperFillManager.fillReport( design, parameters, dataSource );


    When I run my code, I see a bunch of serialized pages accumulate in my temp directory which I assume is good. The problem is however, is that the memory usage seems to remain the same. I still seem to run out of memory at approximately the same point. Am I missing something in the usage of the virtualizer?





  3. Hi all,


    In my report, I have an image element that I've set the scaleImage attribute to "Retain shape" because I don't know the exact image size till runtime. This works great when I preview/or print my report as the image displays at its actual size. However, when I export to PDF using JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile() it clips the image to the size of the image element in the report. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

  4. Hi all,


    I'm working on an Eclipse RCP app, and we have some SWT components that we would like to put into a report. My first thought was to convert our components into SWT images, then convert them to AWT images and maybe use something like JRAbstractSvgRenderer to render it. Is this a feasible solution? Has anyone faced a similar problem?


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



  5. I think I'm trying to do the same thing and I'm having the exact same problem.


    I've tried to do the simplest thing possible. Create a report with some static text in the detail band. Then I created a subreport with some static text in its detail band. It seems to compile fine, but when I execute, only the text from the master report shows up. I've been playing around with the various settings that I've read from previous posts with no luck.


    Is what I'm trying to do possible?

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